Prince Harry says Royal Family kept him in the dark about phone hacking, denying him access to info.

They were worried about potential consequences of taking action.

March 28th 2023.

Prince Harry says Royal Family kept him in the dark about phone hacking, denying him access to info.

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The Duke is thought to be the first member of the Royal Family to attend a live court hearing since Princess Anne’s dangerous dog conviction in Slough Magistrates Court in 2002

Prince Harry showed up at the Royal Courts of Justice today, and he asserted that the Royal Family 'without a doubt' concealed phone hacking data from him. He is among a few high-profile people taking legal action against Daily Mail publisher Associated Newspapers Limited over allegations of illegal information-gathering. Elton John, Liz Hurley, and Baroness Doreen Lawrence are some of the individuals included in the case. In his statement, Harry said the Royal Family felt bringing a legal case against the news outlet would 'open a can of worms' and that they 'without a doubt' withheld information from him about phone hacking. Doreen Lawrence, mother of the late Stephen Lawrence, was also present. The Duke added that he was 'conditioned to accept' his family's commandment to 'never complain, never explain' when managing the press. He further declared that he believed the British public 'deserve to know' the outcomes of the case, which Associated Newspapers denies. A four-day preliminary High Court hearing, beginning yesterday, will consider legal arguments and a judge will decide if the case will progress. It is thought that the Duke is the first member of the Royal Family to attend a live court hearing since Princess Anne’s dangerous dog conviction in Slough Magistrates Court in 2002. Meanwhile, the Prince and Princess of Wales and their children are not in Windsor due to the kids' school Easter holidays.

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