Predictions for PS5 State of Play, a comparison of Palworld and Pokémon, and celebrating the upcoming 30th anniversary of PlayStation in the latest Games Inbox.

The Friday letters section disagrees with comparing prices between PS5 Pro and gaming PC, as a reader is concerned about the length of Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom.

September 20th 2024.

Predictions for PS5 State of Play, a comparison of Palworld and Pokémon, and celebrating the upcoming 30th anniversary of PlayStation in the latest Games Inbox.
Are we in for another letdown next week? The Friday letters page seems to think so, as they've rejected the idea of comparing the prices between the PS5 Pro and a gaming PC. And one reader is expressing concern about the length of Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom. If you want to join in on the discussions, you can email us at the given email address.

The upcoming State of Play event has everyone buzzing, but the rumor mill is saying that it won't have any first party games. That just seems ridiculous to me. What is Sony thinking? Don't they realize how bad this looks? After the Concord disaster, you'd think their first thought would be to showcase what else they're working on to reassure fans that it won't happen again. But here we are, two years later, still dealing with this nonsense and no end in sight. And now the big reveal for next week is just a remastered game that either no one cares about or doesn't need it.

Sure, Sony will have to talk about something, but what will it be? I've heard some rumors about Resident Evil 9, but I'm not sure if I believe that. Wouldn't it make more sense for them to reveal it at The Game Awards, where millions of people are watching? It seems like people are getting tired of these lackluster State of Plays, or even worse, ones that make the games look worse than we thought. Instead of a new Resident Evil, I bet they'll just show us more of the same games we've already seen, like Assassin's Creed or Call of Duty. At this point, I don't even know if I'll bother watching it.

Moving on to a different topic, I have to say, I'm not a fan of the director of Palworld. Some of the things he's been saying, like not enjoying coming up with new ideas, give me the creeps. And let's be honest, it's blatantly obvious that he copied Pokémon with his AI. I don't know how he can even try to deny it.

But, unfortunately, I can't think of any cases where the publishers actually won in situations like this. Sure, we saw the recent incident with the mobile game copying Pokémon, but that was just stealing artwork. This is a whole game that has many differences from Pokémon, and yet, somehow, companies seem to get away with blatantly stealing ideas and designs. It's strange because companies are constantly registering patents, but they don't seem to do much to prevent this type of thing.

On a different note, why haven't we seen a PS5 Slim yet? Is this another indication that Sony is trying to push for a digital-only future? We all know that publishers prefer it because they make more money that way, but it's disappointing to see Sony going down this path after their success with the PlayStation 4, which was largely due to Xbox's previous attempts at this.

Speaking of Sony, am I the only one who feels like they're not really embracing their 30th anniversary with much enthusiasm? I know they're not known for their excitement nowadays, but this is a major milestone and all we've gotten to celebrate it are some novelty magnets and plain grey consoles. It's a letdown, to say the least.

Moving onto a different topic, I just pre-ordered the new Zelda game that's coming out next week, even though I wasn't planning on it originally. The comparisons to Link's Awakening on the Switch and it using the same engine has me a bit worried about the game's length. While I did enjoy Link's Awakening, I did find it to be quite short. But I understand that it was originally a Game Boy game, so I can overlook that.

The real issue for me is the fact that this new game may also be short-lived. And we still don't even know which development team made this game for Nintendo. Is it Grezzo? I'm putting my trust in Nintendo not to disappoint me with this one. I was going to wait for GC's review, but there's a 25% discount on the pre-order at Currys, so I decided to take a chance.

Lastly, it seems like Sony isn't selling the PS5 Pro at a loss like they did with the initial PS5 release. They can now recoup their costs through sales and games. And with the product no longer at its peak sales period, it gives them the opportunity to sell a slightly better version at manufacturing price and make money from the bulk components they bought at a discount.

As always, we'll have to wait and see what happens. And if you have any thoughts or comments, don't forget to email us at the given address. Let's hope for a better week ahead.
Is next week going to be another letdown? I was browsing through the Friday letters page and came across a reader's concern about the length of Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom. They were questioning whether it would be a wise decision to compare the price of PS5 Pro to a gaming PC. If you want to join in on the discussions, you can email us at email.

Well, it seems like there's going to be a State of Play event next week, but the recent leaks are claiming that there won't be any first party games featured. I have to say, that's quite ridiculous. What is Sony thinking? Don't they realize how bad this makes them look? After the disaster with Concord, why didn't they immediately showcase what else they're working on to assure us that it won't happen again?

It's been two years of putting up with this nonsense and there's still no end in sight. And now, the big reveal for next week is a remastered game that either people don't care about or doesn't really need a remaster. Of course, Sony will have to talk about something, but what exactly will it be? I've seen some rumors about Resident Evil 9, but I'm not entirely convinced. Wouldn't it make more sense to announce that at The Game Awards, where millions of people are watching? Let's be real, the last few State of Plays have been quite underwhelming and some have even managed to make the games look worse than we initially thought.

I don't think I've ever said this before, but I wouldn't mind if Palworld gets taken down by Nintendo. Some of the things the director has been saying, like not enjoying coming up with new ideas, is just plain creepy. And let's not forget how blatantly they copied Pokémon with their AI. How can they even deny it with a straight face? However, I do have to admit, I can't recall a case where the publishers actually won. The recent incident with the mobile game copying Pokémon was just them stealing artwork. But this is different, it's an entire game that has many differences from Pokémon.

It's quite disappointing that companies can get away with blatantly stealing ideas and designs. You would think that with all the patent registrations, they would be more careful. But apparently, it's impossible to prove legally. As for the PlayStation 5, I have to say, those grey consoles do look pretty cool. But why is there no PS5 Slim? Is this another indication that Sony is trying to push towards a digital-only future? We all know that publishers prefer it because they get more profits that way. But it's surprising to see that Sony, who owes a lot of their success to the PlayStation 4, is now supporting the idea.

I don't think anyone is shocked that this is the direction things are going, but it's still a disappointment. Also, am I the only one who feels like Sony isn't really celebrating their 30th anniversary with much enthusiasm? I know they don't seem to be enthusiastic about anything these days, but reaching such a milestone should be acknowledged. All we got to commemorate it are some novelty magnets and regular consoles painted grey.

I just pre-ordered the new Zelda game, set to release next week. Initially, I wasn't planning on buying it, especially after hearing the comparisons to Link's Awakening on the Switch. Don't get me wrong, Link's Awakening was a great game, but it was quite short. I understand that it was originally a Game Boy game, so that's understandable. But with this new game, there's a chance it might also be short-lived. And to top it off, we still don't know which development team is behind it. My guess is Grezzo, but it's not officially announced by Nintendo.

I'm putting my trust in Nintendo not to disappoint me with this one. I was planning on waiting for your review, GC, but there's a 25% discount on pre-orders at Currys, so I decided to take a risk. I hope it pays off.

Lastly, I want to address the recent news about Sony possibly selling the PS5 Pro at a loss per unit. That's not really the case, as they usually recoup their money through game sales. But now that the product is past its peak sales period, they have the opportunity to sell a slightly better version at a manufacturing price and make a profit through bulk component purchases. It's a smart business move, but we'll have to wait and see how it all plays out.

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