Possible paraphrase: Neo-Nazis suspected of attacking refugee rally in Melbourne.

Neo-Nazis dressed in black disrupt refugee rally in Melbourne with offensive banner.

August 17th 2024.

Possible paraphrase: Neo-Nazis suspected of attacking refugee rally in Melbourne.
A peaceful rally in Melbourne advocating for permanent protection visas for refugees took a turn when a group of individuals, believed to be neo-Nazis, made their presence known. Dressed in all black, they unfurled a banner with offensive language and chanted hurtful comments at the demonstrators.

The rally, which was attended by hundreds of refugees and their supporters, was held outside the office of Home Affairs Minister Tony Bourke. They hoped to bring attention to their plea for permanent visas, as they felt let down by the fast-track program.

However, the atmosphere changed when the small group of alleged neo-Nazis arrived. Their presence was met with disapproval and concern from the pro-refugee demonstrators. Police were quick to intervene and disperse the group, as the demonstrators stressed their desire for a peaceful protest.

In the midst of the chaos, one of the pro-refugee demonstrators spoke to 9News, expressing their disappointment in the violent tactics used by the neo-Nazis. They also suggested that recent comments made by Opposition Leader Peter Dutton about refusing asylum to refugees from the Gaza conflict may have emboldened such hate groups.

However, Anti-Defamation Commission chairman Dvir Abramovich stated that it was unfair to blame Dutton for the appearance of the neo-Nazis at the rally. He stressed that this type of hateful behavior stems from the core beliefs and ideology of these groups, and is not influenced by politics.

Despite the disruption caused by the neo-Nazis, the refugees remain determined to continue their 24/7 protest until their pleas for permanent visas are heard and granted. They feel let down by the system and are determined to fight for their rights.

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