Possible link between missing individuals in St. Louis and suspected internet cult.

Six people from St. Louis disappeared after getting involved with a Georgia prison's online cult led by convicted sex offender Rashad Jamal.

January 20th 2024.

Possible link between missing individuals in St. Louis and suspected internet cult.
Authorities in St. Louis are investigating the disappearance of six individuals, including two young children, with a possible connection to an online cult. According to Fox 2, 24-year-old Mikayla Thompson, 29-year-old Naaman Williams, 28-year-old Gerriele German, 2-year-old Ashton Williams, 35-year-old Ma’Kayla Wickerson, and 3-year-old Malaiyah Wickerson all went missing after becoming involved with a cult led by convicted sex offender Rashad Jamal.

The police have confirmed that Jamal is currently serving time in Georgia for child molestation and will begin a 22-year probation term once his sentence is completed. In a video released on YouTube, Jamal denies the charges against him, stating that he only spoke out against oppression and is guilty of freeing the minds of his people and speaking against the system.

Initial reports from Fox 2 did not mention the name of the cult, but spoke to Cartisha Morgan, the mother of Ma’Kayla Wickerson. Morgan expressed her concern for her daughter and granddaughter, who she has not heard from since March 2023. She also shared that her daughter had cut off communication with her family, quit her job, and maxed out her credit cards. Morgan tried to alert authorities multiple times, but unfortunately, nothing came of it. She believes that her daughter may be suffering from mental illness and is being manipulated by the cult.

Berkeley Police Major Steve Runge, who has been investigating the group's disappearance for the past five months, revealed that some neighbors had noticed concerning behavior from the group. They reported seeing them outside daily, worshipping the sun and even running around naked in the rain. They were also digging up things in their yard, which raised suspicion.

According to Runge, the cult's core beliefs include polygamy, a distrust of the government, and living off the grid. Investigators have also noted that Jamal's teachings involve a mix of polygamy, sovereign citizenship, ancient mythology, and cosmic universe beliefs. NBC News has reported that the cult is called the University of Cosmic Intelligence, and their website states that their mission is to enlighten and illuminate the minds of black and Latino people.

Shelita Gibson, another mother who is missing her daughter and grandson, shared her concerns for their safety. She hopes that they are not hungry, cold, or being forced to do things they don't want to do. Mental health expert and cult expert Dr. Steven Hassan described Jamal's teachings as a form of mind control, using fear and manipulation to separate cult members from their families.

Cartisha Morgan simply wants to hear from her family members and the other missing individuals to know that they are safe. She believes that everyone deserves to know that their loved ones are okay, and hopes that her daughter will reach out to her and let her know she is okay. Morgan's message is a reminder that regardless of personal opinions, the safety and well-being of our family members should always come first.

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