"Popular soap couple to permanently leave town in Emmerdale."

They make a huge choice.

June 16th 2024.

After a series of tumultuous events, Nicky Miligan and his boyfriend, Suni Sharma, are ready to leave the small village of Emmerdale behind. Their story began when Nicky arrived in the village to work as a nanny for Gabby Thomas' son. Little did anyone know, this was all part of a plan to destroy Kim Tate, orchestrated by Nicky's brother, Caleb Miligan. Nicky found himself engaged to Gabby, but he couldn't go through with the wedding due to his true identity as a gay man. Despite the chaos, Nicky decided to stay in the village and eventually found love with Suni.

However, their happiness was short-lived when Suni was violently attacked by a group of homophobic individuals after a night out. Nicky was helpless as he watched his partner get hurt, and the incident left a lasting impact on both of them. Recently, Suni called Nicky and informed him that he had spotted their attackers at a local club. Nicky, who had been drinking, immediately wanted to go to Suni's aid. Ethan Anderson, a friend, offered to drive him there, but tragically, they were involved in a car accident. Nicky spent a long time in a coma, while Suni's injuries proved to be fatal.

As Nicky recovered from the crash, he learned that his mother, Ruby, had sought revenge on Ethan for causing the accident and leaving Nicky behind. Nicky was shocked and disturbed by his mother's actions and could not believe that she, along with his brother, Caleb, could celebrate Ethan's death. When he found out that Ethan's death was not a result of the hit and run, Nicky was disgusted by his family's behavior. An argument broke out, and Nicky ended up punching his father and vowing to never speak to them again.

In the days following the accident, Nicky was in a coma, and Ethan tragically passed away. The news of Ethan's death was a shock to everyone, especially Charles, who believed that it was the hit and run that ultimately caused his death. However, it was later revealed that Ethan had suffered from an aneurysm, completely unrelated to the accident. While Caleb and Ruby celebrated the news with a drink, Nicky was appalled by their lack of respect for Ethan's memory. This incident only reinforced Nicky's decision to cut ties with his family.

With everything that has happened, Nicky is determined to follow through with his threat to leave Emmerdale. He suggests to Suni that they could start fresh somewhere else, away from all the drama and toxicity of the village. This news is bound to devastate Ruby, who has already lost her son and is now losing her other child. As the week progresses, it is confirmed that Nicky and Suni will, in fact, leave the village.

According to sources, their exit scenes will be shown in the upcoming episodes. However, the question remains, will they get their happy ending, or will something else tear them apart before they can leave? Only time will tell. But for now, Nicky and Suni are ready to leave Emmerdale and start a new chapter in their lives.

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