Police officer attacked by man with knife while trying to make an arrest, man found the situation amusing.

Two officers screaming in terror.

July 4th 2024.

Police officer attacked by man with knife while trying to make an arrest, man found the situation amusing.
In a disturbing video, a man named Gordon Finnlayson, 39, can be seen laughing as he holds a police officer down on the floor and threatens her with a knife. This shocking incident took place in Northampton on March 8, when officers responded to reports of an assault at a nearby home.

The footage begins with Finnlayson walking down a hallway and announcing to the newly arrived police officers, "You are too late." He then proceeds to slash at one of the officers, who falls to the ground while screaming in terror. But Finnlayson's laughter only intensifies as he repeatedly shoves and pushes both female officers.

In a desperate attempt to disarm him, one of the officers screams, "Put the knife down! Put the knife down!" But Finnlayson only responds by calling her a "bitch" and fleeing the house. Outside, one of the officers tearfully asks her colleague, "I don't know if I've been stabbed. Please check if I've been stabbed. I'm so sorry, I just stepped back."

Despite their terrifying ordeal, the officers manage to apprehend Finnlayson, who continues to laugh even as he is being arrested. It takes three attempts with a taser to finally subdue him and take him into custody. Fortunately, the officers escape with only minor injuries and are able to receive treatment at the hospital.

At his trial, Finnlayson pleaded guilty to two counts of Section 18 attempted wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm. The court heard that he had a lengthy criminal history, with 35 previous convictions, including seven assaults on police officers. As a result, he was sentenced to six years in jail by Northampton Crown Court.

Detective Inspector Nick Peters, who oversaw the case, praised the bravery of the officers involved. He stated, "These two officers showed incredible courage in the face of a violent and sustained attack by a man who was not only armed and much larger than them, but also appeared to be enjoying trying to seriously hurt them." He also commended their teamwork and quick thinking, as Finnlayson seemed to be intentionally trying to isolate them to continue his assault.

In a show of transparency and to shed light on the dangers faced by police officers, the body-worn video from the incident was released with the officers' consent. The footage serves as a reminder of the unpredictable and violent nature of Finnlayson's actions that night. Detective Inspector Peters ended by expressing his satisfaction with the sentence and thanking all those involved in bringing Finnlayson to justice.

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