Police mistook 13yo boy's water pistol for a real gun and tackled him.

He was hit by a police van and held in handcuffs.

October 19th 2023.

Police mistook 13yo boy's water pistol for a real gun and tackled him.
Rewritten Text:

On July 19th, a terrifying incident unfolded in Hackney, East London. A 13-year-old boy was surrounded by armed police officers after a police officer mistook his water pistol for a real gun.

The Alliance for Police Accountability (APA) condemned the treatment of the boy, noting that the water pistols were unmistakably toys. The boy had been having a water fight with his younger sibling when the officer on patrol reported a potential firearms incident.

According to the APA, armed units from the Metropolitan Police and City of London Police were sent to the scene. The APA released a statement recounting the events: a police van rammed the boy off his bicycle, knocking him to the ground. He was then surrounded by armed police officers who pointed their firearms at him and arrested him on suspicion of being in possession of a firearm.

Fortunately, the boy was de-arrested at the scene soon afterwards, once his mother had arrived and challenged the officers. The APA is set to hold a press conference on Thursday during which a statement from the mother of the boy will be read.

Detective Chief Superintendent James Conway, who is in charge of policing for Hackney and Tower Hamlets, has since apologized to the family. He noted that the police have a positive legal obligation under human rights legislation to protect life, which shapes their approach to responding to suspected firearms.

The family has seen body-worn video of the incident and have met with Mr. Conway, who offered to meet with them again if they felt it would help. A spokesperson for the City of London Police has also commented, noting that the firearms unit attended in support of the Metropolitan Police firearms units at the scene.

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