Police in Jammu and Kashmir found weapons from the US and China on terrorists killed in Doda.

Jammu: Lt General Navin Sachdeva of the Nagrota-based White Knights Corps reviewed the readiness in Doda district and praised the troops for their efficient operation against three terrorists in Gandoh.

June 27th 2024.

Police in Jammu and Kashmir found weapons from the US and China on terrorists killed in Doda.
During a recent visit to Jammu, Lieutenant General Navin Sachdeva, the commanding officer of Nagrota-based White Knights Corps, took the time to review the operational preparedness of the troops stationed in Doda district. His visit also included inspecting the arms and ammunition that were recovered from three slain terrorists in the Gandoh area just the day before.

The Lieutenant General expressed his pride and appreciation for the troops' professionalism and successful execution of the operation. He urged them to maintain their focus and continue to prioritize their operational duties.

The recent joint operation by the police, army, and CRPF in Doda district resulted in the retrieval of arms and ammunition from three terrorists. This discovery has once again exposed the Pakistani army for supplying weapons to terrorist groups. It is believed that these weapons were originally purchased from the United States and China and then illegally passed on to the terrorists.

The recovered arsenal includes a US-made M4 Carbine equipped with a Thermal Sight, STANAG Magazines, a Chinese TYPE 56-1 Assault Rifle, AK Magazines, and Chinese TYPE 86 Hand Grenades. This is not the first time that specially made US and Chinese armour-piercing bullets have been found in the possession of terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir.

As the security forces continue to work tirelessly to combat terrorism in the region, it is crucial for them to remain vigilant and prepared for any potential threats. The success of this recent operation serves as a reminder for the troops to stay focused and dedicated to their duties in order to maintain peace and security in Jammu and Kashmir.

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