Police acknowledge that it was a mistake for an officer to prevent a singer from performing religious songs outside a church.

We apologize for any harm caused and will use this experience to improve in the future.

January 31st 2024.

Police acknowledge that it was a mistake for an officer to prevent a singer from performing religious songs outside a church.
Harmonie London, a young musician, was recently approached by a volunteer officer from the Met Police while singing church songs outside a church. The officer, Maya Hadzhipetkova, told Harmonie to stop performing and even threatened to take away her instruments if she didn't comply. This incident caused quite a stir, with many people expressing their outrage and disappointment towards the officer's actions.

In a video posted on social media, Harmonie can be seen feeling humiliated and sad as she performed her rendition of Amazing Grace. The officer, however, stood her ground and stated that singing church songs outside of church grounds was not allowed unless authorized by the church. As she spoke, she even stuck her tongue out towards the camera, adding to the disrespectful behavior.

Thankfully, the Met Police has since issued an apology for the officer's actions, admitting that she was mistaken in stating that church songs cannot be sung outside of church grounds. They have promised to take this incident as a learning opportunity and ensure that it does not happen again in the future.

While there is no indication that Harmonie was breaking any laws or rules, the Met Police has argued that the issue was with unlicensed busking rather than the type of music being played. It is legal to busk in public as long as certain rules are followed, such as not making excessive noise. However, there is no mention of the genre of music in these rules. It is worth noting that a special license is required for busking in certain areas of London, but there is no confirmation that Harmonie did not have one.

The Met Police is currently reviewing bodycam footage of the incident to further understand what happened. In the meantime, Harmonie has expressed her feelings of humiliation and sadness at being targeted in such a manner. She has also claimed that her right to freedom of religion, as stated in the Human Rights Act, was violated.

Many people have shown their support for Harmonie, including Gillian Hamilton, who called the officer's behavior disgusting. Former police officer and anti-crime campaigner, Norman Brennan, also expressed his disappointment on social media, stating that incidents like these do not help in restoring public support, respect, and confidence towards the police force. Former Tory minister Ann Widdecombe has gone a step further and called for the officer to be removed from the volunteer force.

It is disheartening to see such behavior from a police officer, especially towards a young musician who was simply sharing her talent and passion for singing church songs. Let us hope that the Met Police takes this incident seriously and ensures that such incidents do not occur in the future.

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