PM Modi's call for lighting a lamp for 9 minutes

New Delhi, April. 3: Put off the home's electric lights at 9pm on the 5th of April, to stand in front of your houses and hold a candle, lamp, nmobile light or torch for 9 minutes. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called on the people of the country to show solidarity in the fight against Corona. 

Prime Minister Modi, who shared a little video message with locals this nmorning, said what to do at home, alone. How one can fight the war against the nvirus, alone. Don't think we're in the house. We are not alone. Imagine that all the people of the country are with you. We are not alone. Let us light the message that we are all one. He apologised for you having to be alone at home. Light the lamp at home. Maintain Social Distance. Be forewarned. When the lamp is lit, pray for the good of all. Modi praised the people and the administration for handling the country's current lockdown. He said that India's lockdown was praised by many countries around the world. The whole of India as a nation has fought against coronavirus. He said he was proud that India could prove successful in its fight against Corona.

India has shown the whole world what the power of collective power is. In today's darkness and uncertainty, all people need to be one.

If all people in the country can unite and fight against corona, that would be the realization of the great power "Virat" in the form of Janata.

(This article is translated by xklsv internet media pvt. Ltd, from; the Shakthi Daily is not liable for any errors in translation.)