Players of People's Postcode Lottery got to explore Buckingham Palace and Downing Street, two of the UK's most iconic landmarks.

Bosses of People's Postcode Lottery surprised to find their players in unexpected places, including Buckingham Palace and Prime Minister's residence.

April 23rd 2023.

Players of People's Postcode Lottery got to explore Buckingham Palace and Downing Street, two of the UK's most iconic landmarks.

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It's absolutely incredible news that even some of Britain's poshest addresses have signed up to take part in the People's Postcode Lottery! It appears that even those living in Buckingham Palace, Downing Street and the Houses of Parliament have joined in the hope of winning a slice of the multi-million-pound jackpot. Plus, even His Majesty’s households at Balmoral, Windsor Castle AND Kensington Palace have decided to join the fun too. And it looks like it won’t be long before the People’s Postcode Lottery can proudly say it is by Royal Appointment. Although none of these posh postcodes have yet hit the big jackpot, they have still won smaller cash prizes numerous times - even last month! So, it appears that the palace may soon be nicknamed "Bucks House"!

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Buckingham Palace and other prestigious postcodes were recently discovered to be playing the People’s Postcode Lottery! From the Houses of Parliament and Chequers to Balmoral, Windsor Castle and Kensington Palace, everyone is joining the draw in the hopes of winning a part of the multi-million-pound jackpot. Despite not hitting the big jackpot yet, these posh postcodes have still won smaller cash prizes dozens of times over the past five years, and are likely to win many more in the future. Jeff Brazier, ambassador of the People’s Postcode Lottery, even joked that in future they might be calling it Bucks House!

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