Pictures from Odisha taken today, showcasing landscapes, people, and events happening in the state.

Preparations for Rath Yatra at Bhubaneswar's ISKCON Temple, with a man cycling in the hot sun.

June 25th 2024.

Pictures from Odisha taken today, showcasing landscapes, people, and events happening in the state.
Preparations are in full swing at the ISKCON Temple in Bhubaneswar for the upcoming Rath Yatra festival. The temple is bustling with activity as devotees and volunteers work tirelessly to ensure that everything is ready for the grand celebration.

With just a few days left until the festival, the temple is a hive of energy and excitement. The main focus is on the construction of the chariots, as they play a central role in the Rath Yatra. Skilled artisans and carpenters are hard at work, meticulously crafting the elaborate and ornate chariots that will carry the deities on their journey.

Meanwhile, outside the temple, the streets of Bhubaneswar are filled with the hustle and bustle of daily life. Amidst the scorching sun, a man is seen pedaling his bicycle, going about his day. Despite the heat, life goes on as usual in the city.

Back at the temple, preparations are also underway for the festivities that will take place during the Rath Yatra. The temple is being adorned with beautiful decorations and colorful flowers, adding to the festive atmosphere. Devotees can be seen offering prayers and performing rituals, eagerly anticipating the arrival of the big day.

As the date of the Rath Yatra draws closer, the excitement and anticipation continue to build. The temple, along with the city of Bhubaneswar, is gearing up for a grand celebration, where devotees from all over will come to witness the majestic chariot procession and seek the blessings of the deities. The Rath Yatra is not just a religious event, but also a cultural and social event that brings people together in joy and celebration.

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