Photos of Odisha taken today.

Workers prepare for election rally at Cuttack Baliyatra ground while a fruit vendor keeps lychees fresh with water in summer heat.

May 21st 2024.

Photos of Odisha taken today.
As the upcoming election rally for Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik approaches, workers have been busy setting up tent structures at the Cuttack Baliyatra ground. This is an important event for the people of Odisha, and the workers are determined to ensure that everything is in place for the Chief Minister's visit.

The workers are meticulously setting up the tents, making sure they are secure and sturdy enough to withstand any weather conditions. They are also paying close attention to the details, making sure the decorations and lighting are just right to create a welcoming and festive atmosphere for the rally.

Meanwhile, in another part of Cuttack, a fruit vendor is also busy preparing for the summer heat. He is carefully sprinkling water on a large pile of lychees, making sure they stay fresh and juicy for his customers. Summer in Cuttack can be scorching, and the vendor knows that keeping his fruits cool and hydrated is crucial for maintaining their quality.

As he works, the vendor chats with his regular customers, who are also seeking refuge from the heat under the shade of his tent. They discuss the upcoming election rally and how excited they are to see the Chief Minister in person. The vendor proudly declares that he will be attending the rally as well, as he believes it is important to show his support for the Chief Minister and his vision for the state.

As the preparations for the rally and the summer heat continue, the people of Cuttack eagerly await the arrival of their beloved Chief Minister. They know that his visit will not only bring much-needed relief from the heat but also inspire hope and progress for their community.

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