Phil is deeply affected by the death of a member of the Mitchell family.

Phil is reminded of something he's lost that makes him sad.

August 20th 2023.

Phil is deeply affected by the death of a member of the Mitchell family.
Phil Mitchell is set to take action as a result of a family tragedy in upcoming episodes of EastEnders. He is supporting Alfie Moon who is about to discover he has prostate cancer. To get Alfie to open up about his upcoming MRI, Phil invites him to have a kick about with Bert, Ernie and Tommy.

Alfie may be evasive about his health, but Phil reminds him of the importance of taking care of himself for his children, alluding to his own experience of the death of a family member, Lexi. During the football game, Phil realizes his efforts aren't enough, so he tries again later in the week, telling Alfie about his father's death due to prostate cancer.

Fortunately, Alfie decides to go for the test and he eventually thanks Phil for the support. The two of them head to the hospital together. Executive Producer Chris Clenshaw commented on this storyline: ‘When we first embarked on this storyline, we knew it was imperative that we worked alongside Prostate Cancer UK and Macmillan Cancer Support to take on and accurately portray such an emotional and pivotal storyline for Alfie, and one that many viewers may relate to. Shane has thoughtfully portrayed the realities of being diagnosed with prostate cancer with grace and understanding. We hope that this storyline resonates with the audience, and that we represent it as sensitively, and as accurately as possible.’

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