Peter Andre can't go back to Buckingham Palace after a costly accident.

"I felt crushed."

October 6th 2024.

Peter Andre can't go back to Buckingham Palace after a costly accident.
Peter Andre had some interesting news to share recently - he has been banned from Buckingham Palace! This may come as a surprise, as the 51-year-old singer is not known for his bad boy persona. However, it seems that a mishap during one of his visits to the iconic London home of King Charles has resulted in him no longer being welcome there.

According to Peter, he has been to Buckingham Palace three times in the past. In 2019, he attended twice for a Duke of Edinburgh award ceremony, and then went again the following day with his wife, Emily Macdonagh, to attend the Not Forgotten Association Annual Garden Party. However, despite being invited twice in 2019, Peter has not received any further invitations to the palace.

When asked about the ban, the Mysterious Girl singer confirmed that he has not been invited back since his last visit. It turns out that Peter accidentally caused some damage during his last visit, which led to him being blacklisted from the palace. He explained that while he was telling a joke, he accidentally spilled his black coffee on the beautiful red carpet. A staff member joked about the cost of the carpet compared to Peter's house, but the singer was devastated by his blunder.

It seems that Peter's mistake quickly made its way around the palace, as even the security guard at the front gate mentioned it to him as he was leaving. The singer admitted that it was a bit embarrassing to have everyone know about his mishap, but he has taken it in good humor.

Peter first rose to fame in the UK with his hit song Mysterious Girl in 1995. He later appeared on the reality show I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! in 2004, where he met his ex-wife, Katie Price. The couple share two children together and Peter also has three younger children with his wife, Emily.

In a recent interview, Peter shared that his children get along well with each other, despite the age difference. His daughter Princess, 17, even helps out with taking care of their youngest daughter, Belle. His son Junior, 19, also has a great bond with their youngest son, Theo. However, like many teenage boys, Junior tends to retreat to his room at times.

In a birthday post for Princess earlier this year, Peter joked about her diva moments, but also expressed his love for her. It seems that despite his ban from Buckingham Palace, Peter is keeping busy and enjoying life with his family. So, if you happen to run into him at the palace, just remember to keep your coffee away from the carpets!

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