People in Thailand's town are fed up with monkeys and are trying to find a way to get rid of them.

Thailand town fights back against wild monkeys with clever tactics and juicy fruit.

May 24th 2024.

People in Thailand's town are fed up with monkeys and are trying to find a way to get rid of them.
In the bustling town of Lopburi, located in central Thailand, a growing population of wild monkeys has caused chaos and conflict among the residents. In response, the town has launched a strategic offensive against these simian invaders on Friday, utilizing a combination of cunning tactics and tantalizing tropical fruit.

Recent incidents of monkey-human clashes have prompted the authorities to take action in reducing the number of monkeys in the town. Their plan is to capture and contain the monkeys, giving them a chance at a new life elsewhere. This undertaking began with the baiting of cages on Friday, using the monkeys' favorite food as an irresistible lure. The hope is that their hunger will override their natural cautiousness, leading them to be trapped in the cages.

The first day of the operation saw some success, with three macaques falling for the trick and ending up behind bars. These cages were strategically placed earlier in the week to acclimate the monkeys and make them less wary of them. It is estimated that there are around 2500 monkeys roaming the town, and the capture of this initial group has slightly reduced that number.

This effort will continue for five days and may be repeated in the future. However, some of the monkeys will be left free to maintain Lopburi's identity as a town full of monkeys. But the task at hand is no easy feat, as the monkeys are highly intelligent and may learn from the captured ones, making it more challenging to capture the rest.

According to Patarapol Maneeorn from Thailand's Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation, the monkeys' intelligence makes the operation even more difficult. They may not enter the cages out of fear, having learned from the captured monkeys' experiences. These monkeys have long been a symbol and a major tourist attraction for the town. However, their increasingly aggressive behavior, as seen in viral videos of them snatching food and causing injuries, has become a concern for the residents.

One auto parts shop has even resorted to enclosing its premises with wire to keep out the light-fingered primates, not only because of the pandemic but also due to the monkey problem. The owners have adapted, but not everyone has. Some customers are afraid to buy goods from shops, causing a drop in income for businesses and even damage to people's homes. The mayor of Lopburi, Chamroen Salacheep, acknowledges the monkeys' impact on the town's economy and overall image, with shops and malls seeing a decrease in trade.

But there is hope for the monkeys' future. On Friday, authorities began sedating and conducting health checks on them before cleaning and sterilizing them. They will also be given tattoos for identification purposes and transferred to large holding pens outside the town while searching for a permanent home. The town's mayor, Chamroen, plans to revitalize the town's appearance and regain the people's trust after the operation is over.

While it may seem like a challenging and uncertain time for the monkeys in Lopburi, there is a plan in place to give them a chance at a better life. In the meantime, the town will continue to thrive, and visitors can still enjoy the unique experience of being in a town full of wild monkeys. Stay updated on all the latest news, celebrity gossip, and sports events by joining our WhatsApp channel. No algorithms, no privacy concerns, just the latest updates delivered straight to your phone.

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