People in Bhopal talk about a wayward ma'am, a bitter foe, putting a bee on files, and more.

November 6th 2023.

People in Bhopal talk about a wayward ma'am, a bitter foe, putting a bee on files, and more.
Janus-faced officers
A few IAS officers in the state have been trying to please both sides of the political equation - the ruling party, and the opposition. It's no secret that these officers are making efforts to ensure their own survival, should the government be voted out. They are sending notes to the opposition camp with strategy suggestions for different constituencies, doing their due diligence to ensure the accuracy of the information.

One officer in particular has been sending information to a powerful Congress leader about the government’s misdeeds in an effort to help the opposition win. Additionally, the officer has been collecting constituency-wise feedback and sending it to a close aide of a senior Congress leader, presumably in an effort to get closer to the leader. However, they are also weighing the pros and cons of sending the information, knowing that if the BJP forms the government, they may be out of harm’s way.

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Freedom of choice
A Senior IPS officer deputed to the Centre is waiting with bated breath for the election results. He's keeping an eye on who will be the chief minister if the BJP comes to power, as he is on good terms with a Union Minister. If the minister becomes chief minister, the officer will make an effort to return to the state and take an important position. If the present chief minister remains in power, he will take a position at the Centre instead. But if the Congress wins the election, he'll return to the state, where he has already chosen a post for himself at the head of a probe agency. This officer is on good terms with a few leaders of the BJP as well as a few politicians of the Congress.

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In a dilemma
A minister and two IAS officers of a department have locked horns over some issues in the run-up to the election. The minister asked the HoD to arrange for a few things for the election, which the IAS officer refused to do. The Principal Secretary also refused to comply, which enraged the minister and put the officers in an awkward position. The officer does not want to enter into a fight with the minister, but if he fulfils the minister’s demands, and the Election Commission comes to know of it, he may be in the soup. The HoD also thinks if the present ruling party returns to power, his problems will increase, leaving him in a difficult dilemma.

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Wayward Ma’am
A female senior IAS officer sent to the loop line has taken to refusing to sign any file that comes her way. When asked for reasons, she states that she is too senior to sign such files. This attitude has had a severe impact on the work of the organisation, but nobody can act against her. She is angry with the government for not promoting her and sending her to the loop line, and has stopped doing any work as a result.

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Putting the bee on files
An officer who is on the verge of retirement is trying to tie up loose ends before the election. He is going through all the files, and half-inched many important papers in an effort to paper over his own misdeeds. He has deployed an officer of his confidence to clear all the files, so that his wrong deeds may not come to light. He fears that, should the opposition win the election, his wrongdoings will be exposed.

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Bitter foe
An IAS officer is pulling out all the stops to ensure the defeat of a minister in the ensuing election. He has good connections in the area where the minister comes from, and has been sending out messages to his acquaintances, urging them to ensure the minister's defeat. He is even providing financial aid to the minister’s rival through some people. This officer has been waiting for a chance to harry his rival, and now that the election is near, he has found the opportunity he has been looking for.

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