Paul Merson warns Arsenal not to give up hope and highlights Man City as a potential obstacle.

Don't risk it - steer clear of this game!

April 22nd 2023.

Paul Merson warns Arsenal not to give up hope and highlights Man City as a potential obstacle.
Paul Merson believes Manchester City could face a potential banana skin in the Premier League title race, with just eight games left. The Arsenal legend has identified the upcoming Everton away game as one that could cause Pep Guardiola's side to slip up. Merson encourages Arsenal fans to not lose faith as there is a long way to go in the title race. He also highlighted the unpredictability of the Premier League, with top teams playing bottom teams and having to score two goals in the last minute.

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Paul Merson has highlighted an upcoming match which could be a potential challenge for Manchester City in their pursuit of the Premier League title. With just eight games left, City are five points behind Arsenal and have two games in hand. On Wednesday, they have the opportunity to reduce the gap when they meet the Gunners.

Merson is confident that City will ultimately prevail in their race for the title and has urged his former club to not lose faith. He believes the fixtures will catch up with City and has highlighted the game against Everton away as a potential banana skin. He urges Arsenal to keep their heads up, reassuring them that there is still a long way to go in the title race, and that anything can happen - as evidenced by the recent game between top and bottom which ended with a dramatic last minute goal.

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