Parkrun taught me that prioritizing your own needs does not make you a selfish person.

Prioritizing my mother's needs halted my own life.

May 18th 2024.

Parkrun taught me that prioritizing your own needs does not make you a selfish person.
A few weeks ago, Minreet and her 76-year-old dad took on the challenge of running the London Marathon. The sun was shining and the wind was blowing against their faces as they heard the cheers of the crowd calling out their names. It was an emotional and exhilarating experience as they crossed the finish line together, feeling ecstatic and overwhelmed with emotion.

Their motivation for running the marathon was to raise awareness and funds for Minreet's 73-year-old mother, who had been diagnosed with myeloma, a type of blood cancer. As they approached the finish line, Minreet couldn't wait to give her mother the medal and a big hug. It was a beautiful moment and her mother's face lit up with pride and joy. Minreet's mother was no stranger to the London Marathon, as she had completed it herself back in 2023.

It was only a month after her race that Minreet's mother started experiencing aches in her bones, breathlessness, back pain, and severe fatigue. Initially, they thought it was just muscle soreness from running, then they suspected it could be related to her high blood pressure. They went to the doctor, who thought it was just a sign of aging, but still recommended blood tests, scans, and an ultrasound.

After three misdiagnoses, they finally received the heartbreaking news that Minreet's mother had myeloma. This completely changed their lives as Minreet became her mother's full-time carer, helping her with everyday tasks and providing emotional support. Minreet was also unable to work full-time as a journalist or spend time with friends, as her mother's condition required constant attention.

One thing that was particularly difficult for Minreet was not being able to go for a run. She had taken up running a few years ago and it had greatly improved her physical and mental health, especially as she navigated a career change. Running helped her reduce stress and migraines, and it was also a great way for her to make friends. But now, with her mother's illness, her life had come to a standstill.

However, in February of this year, Minreet's friend Neha reached out and offered to help her get back into running. She encouraged Minreet to prioritize herself and her own needs, as long as a care plan was in place for her mother. This was a turning point for Minreet, who realized that she needed to take care of herself in order to care for her mother effectively.

With Neha's support and encouragement, Minreet started running again in April. It was tough at first, but she felt lighter, clearer, and happier. She was able to let go of her worries and recharge her batteries. She also realized that she didn't have to follow a strict schedule and could go for a run whenever she had some free time.

Minreet now runs three to five times a week, and it has become an important part of her routine. She has even joined the Metro's parkrun partnership, which aims to promote wellbeing and support mental health through running. Minreet believes that exercise is crucial for carers, as it helps them recharge and be able to care for their loved ones more effectively.

Parkrun has become a community for Minreet, where she feels safe, supported, and understood. She has met many like-minded individuals who have also found solace and joy in running. It has given her a sense of empowerment and inspiration, and she is grateful to have found it. She encourages all carers to find the time to exercise, whether it's running, walking, or jogging, as it can make a world of difference in their mental and physical wellbeing.

If you are a carer, please take care of yourself and find the time to exercise. And if you have a story to share, we would love to hear it. Together, let's support and uplift each other through the power of running.

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