Paris Hilton's voice change during her speech at Capitol Hill caused a stir among her fans who found it "insane."

Changes rapidly.

June 29th 2024.

Paris Hilton's voice change during her speech at Capitol Hill caused a stir among her fans who found it
As she stood at Capitol Hill, Paris Hilton passionately shared her personal experiences in youth treatment facilities. The media personality, now 43 years old, spoke in front of the US House of Representatives committee to advocate for child welfare reform and to be the voice for children who are often silenced.

Paris bravely opened up about the harm she faced during her time at Provo Canyon School, an intensive psychiatric residential treatment center that she was forced to attend at the young age of 16. Her speech was powerful and moving, but keen-eared fans also noticed something else - her voice significantly changed from a high to a low octave.

In the beginning of the video, captured on a C-Span livestream, Paris can be seen casually chatting with an official. She compliments their jacket and sparkles, and even expresses interest in finding out who made it. This conversation is delivered in her familiar higher-pitched and slightly giggly cadence, but as she turns to the matter at hand, her tone suddenly drops to a more serious and authoritative one.

She stresses the importance of access to therapy, counseling, mentorship, and other community programs for young people in need. Fans were surprised by the obvious change in her voice and took to social media to share their reactions. Some were shocked that her persona could be so different, while others praised her for being able to switch from her "sexy baby" character to a serious advocate in a matter of seconds.

But this wasn't the first time Paris has faced scrutiny over her voice. In fact, she has openly talked about the evolution of her voice and how it plays into her public image. In a previous interview, she explained that her higher-pitched, "dumb blonde" voice was just a character she played on her reality show, The Simple Life. After the show ended, she found herself stuck in that role, but she wants the world to know that she is not a dumb blonde - she's just good at playing one.

Paris also addressed the topic in her 2020 documentary, This Is Paris, where she talked about code-switching and how it has protected her from hurtful comments and judgments. She's not the only woman in the media to be scrutinized for her vocal code-switching, as singer Ariana Grande also faced questions about her high and low voice during a recent podcast interview. Ariana explained that it's a habit and a way to protect her vocal health.

As these women continue to navigate the limelight and share their stories, it's important to remember that everyone has different sides to their personality and may adapt their voice to different situations. Paris Hilton is not just a "sexy baby" or a serious advocate - she is a multifaceted individual with a powerful voice and important messages to share.

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