Panicked teenagers see a 'Bigfoot' with glowing eyes in a Louisiana forest and call 911 for help.

Panicked teens called police after encountering a Bigfoot-like creature with glowing eyes while camping in Louisiana's Kisatchie National Forest.

July 7th 2024.

Panicked teenagers see a 'Bigfoot' with glowing eyes in a Louisiana forest and call 911 for help.
Oh my goodness! A group of teenagers were absolutely terrified and called the police in a state of panic. They claimed that they had a frightening encounter with a creature that resembled Bigfoot, complete with glowing eyes. According to officials, the group of recent high school graduates from Houma, Louisiana were camping in Kisatchie National Forest, located approximately 100 miles northwest of Baton Rouge, when they had this encounter.

The group was enjoying a camping trip in the serene and picturesque national forest when suddenly, they heard a loud growling noise. They were immediately on edge and on high alert, unsure of what could be making such a terrifying sound. But before they could even process the situation, they saw a large, hairy creature with glowing eyes emerge from the trees. It was like something out of a horror movie.

The teenagers were understandably shaken and quickly called the police for help. They described the creature as resembling Bigfoot, a well-known and feared cryptid. The police were initially skeptical but upon arriving at the campsite, they found the group visibly shaken and their claims consistent. They searched the area but were unable to find any evidence of the creature.

The incident has left the group of teenagers even more terrified of the forest and has sparked a debate about the existence of Bigfoot. Some believe that it was just a hoax or a case of mistaken identity, while others are convinced that they truly encountered the elusive creature. Whatever the case may be, it was certainly a harrowing experience for the group and a story they will never forget.

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