Ozzy Osbourne, at 75 years old, makes light of his numerous surgeries by saying he's almost dead.

In the last five years, Ozzy underwent seven operations.

October 20th 2024.

Ozzy Osbourne, at 75 years old, makes light of his numerous surgeries by saying he's almost dead.
In a recent interview, music legend Ozzy Osbourne opened up about his career and the reasons behind his decision to stop touring. Despite his numerous health struggles, including multiple surgeries and a Parkinson's disease diagnosis, Ozzy still maintains his sense of humor. When asked how he was doing, the 75-year-old replied in his signature thick Brummie accent, "I'm nearly f***ing dead!"

Reflecting on his life, Ozzy shared, "But if it is the end of the road for me, I can't complain." He then joked about how he's been "laid up for nearly six years" and how his wife Sharon recently asked him if he would change anything if he had to do it all over again. His response? "No, I had a f***ing great time!"

Despite residing in Los Angeles with Sharon, Ozzy expressed how much he misses the UK and how he and his family have been planning to move back for the past two years. However, his health issues have delayed their return. Speaking on their podcast, The Osbournes, Sharon shared, "It just seems that every time we're set to go [back to England], something happens with Ozzy's health."

But Ozzy remains optimistic, saying, "At some point, I'm definitely going to England though. If I stay there - I hope I do - something tells me the kids will follow." He added, "Maybe Sharon will want to keep a place here and a place there, we'll see. I'm English, but I'm becoming an American Brummie. I don't want to end my days in America."

Ozzy also addressed the misconception that his Parkinson's disease is to blame for all of his health problems. He revealed that he hasn't been able to walk properly since 2019 when he tripped in the bathroom and aggravated an old injury from a quad-bike crash in 2003. He joked, "I mean, when I came off the quad bike in 2003, I still did tours, and I had Parkinson's back then. It was THAT f*****g surgery."

Recently, Ozzy was honored by the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame for the second time, a rare feat shared by only a few artists, including Sir Paul McCartney. During his speech at the celebration, Ozzy thanked his fans for their loyalty and acknowledged the influential musicians he has had the pleasure of playing with throughout his career. He also expressed his gratitude for his wife Sharon, who he credits with saving his life.

As the interview came to a close, Ozzy shared that he's excited to see what the future holds and joked that he's "still breathing." He then added, "If I'm still breathing, I'm still here." And that is something we can all be thankful for.

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