On anger, trust, criticism

I came across a summary of Robert Greene’s 48 Laws of Power in a newsletter recently. Here are 3 ideas that I found myself reflecting on –

On anger — Don’t express it directly. Channel it into your work and productivity. Anger expressed directly often leads to irrational behavior and words you later regret.

On trust — Never completely trust people right away, no matter how nice or competent they seem. Look closely for subtle cracks and inconsistencies in their character before investing time and energy into the relationship.

On criticism — Don’t take criticism personally. Look at it from the outside, as valuable feedback that can help you improve. The more open you are to criticism, the more you will learn.

    I read the book more than a decade ago. I was early in my career and remember finding the book a bit dark. For a few days, I kept an eye out for power games everywhere. But, Robert Greene is a talented writer. And the book had insights and well researched wisdom on dealing with human problems.

    As I reflect on the difference in my naivete and idealism today relative to that period, I think more of it would have resonated if I read it now. :-)
