Oldest black village in Mexico struggling with poverty and extreme weather conditions.

Droughts threaten Afro-Mexican communities in Tecoyame and nearby areas, leading to concerns over closures.

April 4th 2024.

Oldest black village in Mexico struggling with poverty and extreme weather conditions.
Tecoyame, known as the oldest Black village in Mexico, is facing major struggles due to poverty and the looming threat of extreme climate changes. This small village, located in the city of Oaxaca, is a part of the Costa Chica region, which stretches 250 miles along the Pacific Ocean and is home to a large Afro-Mexican population. According to a report by Al Jazeera, recent years have seen longer and more severe dry seasons, resulting in devastating droughts that have left the land and neighboring towns parched and cracked. The once fertile soil has become hardened and unable to absorb the rain during the rainy season, causing it to run off the surface like concrete and erode the foundations of village homes.

One resident, Don Amado, shared his concerns about the future of his home. He was raised in the village by his mother, Mama "Cointa" Chavez Velazco, in their iconic "El Redondo" house. But with the increasing intensity of the climate and the lack of support or financial aid, their home may not be able to withstand another year. The village is struggling to maintain its infrastructure and protect its residents from the ever-changing weather patterns.

The challenges faced by Tecoyame are also being felt in neighboring towns such as Cuajinicuilapa, which has a 75% Afro-Mexican population. In this town, the first Afro-Mexican history museum of its kind has been unable to pay its staff for 15 years and is now at risk of closing its doors. Abad Campos Rodriguez, a renowned dance and music teacher, is worried about the future of the cultural tradition of "Danza de los Diablos" as it may not be passed down to the next generation of children.

As each day passes without rain, the livelihood of the village is at stake. The vegetable and fruit harvest, which sustains four generations of families, is in jeopardy due to the worsening climatic conditions. This has only added to the urgent need for financial aid, as institutions that once protected the community from Spanish slave traders are now on the brink of collapse.

The root of this crisis lies in the social and economic marginalization of the community. In 2015, the government allowed individuals to self-identify as Afro-Mexicans in the census, and four years later, they were officially recognized as one of the 69 distinct cultural identities in the country. The people of Tecoyame are now looking to the upcoming presidential elections in June, with Mexico City Governor Claudia Sheinbaum as the front runner, to finally receive the much-needed relief and support.

Last September, the popular YouTube channel, The Yarbros, explored the Black community in Mexico, from Cuajinicuilapa to the Danza de Diablos, delving deep into their rich culture. It shed light on the struggles and challenges faced by this marginalized community and highlighted the urgent need for help and support. The fate of Tecoyame and its people hangs in the balance, and it is time for the world to take notice and lend a helping hand before it's too late.

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