NYC sued by mother of drowned teen athlete for lack of answers after after-school trip.

A mother is suing the city for negligence after her 13-year-old son drowned in the East River while attending an after-school game.

September 15th 2024.

NYC sued by mother of drowned teen athlete for lack of answers after after-school trip.
A devastating tragedy struck the family of a 13-year-old high-school student, who drowned in the East River while attending an after-school soccer game. The mother of the young basketball player, Laquana Badger Godfrey, is now taking legal action against the city. She firmly believes that her son's untimely death could have been prevented if proper supervision had been in place.

According to Mrs. Godfrey, her son Kavion Brown Godfrey's drowning in October was a result of the city's "gross negligence." Her heart-wrenching lawsuit claims that the city failed to fulfill its duty of ensuring the safety and well-being of its residents, especially children. As a mother, she trusted the city to provide a safe environment for her son to pursue his passion for sports, but that trust was shattered when he tragically lost his life.

Mrs. Godfrey's legal battle against the city is not only seeking justice for her son, but also aiming to bring attention to the importance of proper supervision in public spaces. She hopes that her lawsuit will prompt the city to take necessary measures to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future. Losing a child is a pain no parent should ever have to endure, and she believes that by holding the city accountable, she can make a positive impact and prevent other families from experiencing the same heartbreak.

The loss of Kavion has left a void in Mrs. Godfrey's life that can never be filled. She remembers him as a talented and ambitious young boy with a bright future ahead of him. His love for basketball and dedication to his studies were admired by all who knew him. Mrs. Godfrey's lawsuit is not only seeking justice for her son, but also honoring his memory and ensuring that he will never be forgotten. As she continues to grieve, she wants to make sure that her son's death was not in vain and that the city takes responsibility for their negligence.

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