Not an image, an experience

My wife shared a Reddit post that had a beautiful message – You’re not an image, you’re an experience. Here’s the note in full.

“As humans, we were never meant to see our own faces or bodies this much, and that’s why so many of us today, struggle with self-image and self-worth issues.

For most of history, the only time we saw ourselves was through reflection in bodies of water like ponds, lakes or rivers. Even then, it was blurry so we couldn’t hyperfocus on our imperfections such as hair, bicep size, eyebrow shape, nose size, pores, wrinkles etc.

We could see everyone else but we could never really compare because we didn’t know how we really looked like. We simply showed up as our best selves without feeling self-conscious. Then mirrors were invented and we could see ourselves everyday, then photos, then videos and now with social media everything is almost entirely edited and distorted from reality.

We then started finding flaws that we were never supposed to notice or pay much attention to. Others don’t study our faces the way we do analyzing every angle, every blemish, every fault. Others see you in movement, in laughter in moments, that’s why beauty has never ever been just about looks and our appearance, its always been about how you carry yourself, your confidence, your character and your energy. You were never meant to be one-dimensional, you were created to be animated, lively and expressive.

So friendly reminder, you were never supposed to see or think about your face or body this much. Yes, be presentable, but go out, show up as your best self and enjoy your life without caring too much about how you look, you’ll attract the right people!!”

A wise reminder – it resonated.
