North Korea fired a ballistic missile off its eastern coast, according to South Korea.

North Korea launched a missile on its east coast, following their promise of strong reactions to a new US military exercise with South Korea and Japan.

June 30th 2024.

North Korea fired a ballistic missile off its eastern coast, according to South Korea.
According to the South Korean military, North Korea made a move today by launching a ballistic missile off its east coast. This comes just a day after the North publicly declared that they will respond with force to express their disapproval of a joint military exercise between the US, South Korea, and Japan.

The launch, which took place on Monday morning, is being closely monitored, but no further details have been disclosed. The timing is notable as it follows the conclusion of the three countries' multidomain trilateral drills, named "Freedom Edge". This exercise involved an aircraft carrier, destroyers, fighter jets, and helicopters from all three nations, and focused on missile defence, anti-submarine, and maritime interdiction drills.

The North's Foreign Ministry made their stance clear on Sunday, releasing a strong statement condemning the US, South Korea, and Japan for their joint military exercise. They referred to it as an "Asian version of NATO" that poses a threat to the security of the Korean Peninsula. The statement also accused the US of using the drills as a way to pressure Russia and isolate China.

In response to these actions, the North's Foreign Ministry stated their determination to protect their sovereignty, security, and peace in the region through "offensive and overwhelming countermeasures". This launch, which marks their first weapons test in five days, may be seen as a part of those countermeasures.

It's worth noting that last Wednesday, North Korea claimed to have successfully launched a multiwarhead missile, which they stated was a new and advanced weapon meant to defeat US and South Korean defences. However, South Korea has dismissed this claim, believing it to be a cover-up for a failed launch.

In recent weeks, North Korea has also been using a different tactic to express their frustration. They have been sending trash-carrying balloons towards South Korea in retaliation to political leaflets being sent by South Korean activists. In addition to these actions, North Korea also held a meeting last Friday to discuss ways to improve their economy and "further enhance Korean-style socialism". Leader Kim Jong Un spoke about the obstacles hindering their progress and outlined important tasks to resolve immediate policy issues.

Overall, tensions remain high as North Korea continues to make their stance clear in response to the joint military exercises and other actions from the US, South Korea, and Japan.

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