No screens for our kids- no TV, phones or video games.

Will you do it?

July 10th 2023.

No screens for our kids- no TV, phones or video games.
Ruby Blaken and her husband Mike, from Wiltshire, have made a conscious effort to buck the trend of using screens for their three children, aged 8, 4 and 2. iPads and game consoles have been locked away, and family TV-time is only a special treat.

Ruby, who runs a preloved children's clothing company, initially had rules in place for screen time, but the children started to use them more often and she noticed their behaviour getting worse. Fed up with the constant arguments, Ruby and Mike decided to take a drastic step and enforce a no-screen policy at home.

Ruby was careful to avoid making screen time into a 'prize' as she felt this could make it more desirable. To her surprise, the children quickly adjusted to the rule and found other things to do. They still get questioned on it sometimes, but they know their parents are not budging.

Tech might make an appearance as an occasional treat, but Ruby chooses to frame it as a family activity, rather than a daily occurrence. She and her husband have also reduced their own phone use.

Ruby has been pleasantly surprised by how her children have been able to find joy in other activities. They are also a lot chirpier and cooperate more, and she has noticed they listen better when they aren’t plugged into a screen.

Ruby is aware that screens will inevitably have to be reintroduced as the children grow older, but for now she is content with the no-screen policy they have in place and is keen to teach her children how to manage their time on it.

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