Nish discovers that Eve crashed his wedding blessing to Suki and he is upset. Nish decides to confront Eve about what she did, but she doesn't answer his questions. Nish eventually finds out that Eve was trying to make a fool of him and his new wife.

Throughout the play, Eve makes it clear that she is not afraid to put herself in danger in order to protect her family. She reveals information about the murders to the detectives, even though she knows it could mean her own death.

February 20th 2023.

Nish discovers that Eve crashed his wedding blessing to Suki and he is upset. Nish decides to confront Eve about what she did, but she doesn't answer his questions. Nish eventually finds out that Eve was trying to make a fool of him and his new wife.
Eve Unwin has made her feelings for Suki Panesar very clear, but could Nish be set to discover the truth as Eve crashes their wedding blessing in EastEnders?

Despite Suki’s admission that she meant nothing to her, Eve has been trying to change her mind, by making her see how controlling Nish really is.

To do this, she teamed up with the Panesar patriarch to trick Suki into signing over 50% of her shares to son Vinny .

However, this backfired when discovering Eve’s betrayal pushed Suki even closer to her hsuband.

Eve was heartbroken once more when Suki announced that she and Nish would be having a wedding blessing, in order to reaffirm their vows.

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Could Eve be set to expose everything as she crashes the blessing?

Suki is horrified when Eve turns up to the celebration, struggling to deal with her feelings.

With Nish renowned for his jealousy, having previously murdered Suki’s best friend after he got too close, is Eve playing with fire?

Suki called things off with Eve when Nish returned from prison, following his 20 year sentence, in an effort to protect her from his wrath.

Since then, the pair have risked several encounters, though Suki has always returned to Nish in the end.

Will Eve ever win Suki’s heart, or will she end up putting herself in harm’s way by revealing

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