Nintendo almost gave Donkey Kong a different name.

Nintendo's famous gorilla has a strange name, but there were many other funny options considered.

June 27th 2024.

Nintendo almost gave Donkey Kong a different name.
It's hard to imagine, but the iconic name Donkey Kong could have been even more ridiculous. According to court documents, Nintendo considered a long list of alternative names for their great ape, some of which are quite amusing.

Despite being a company with over a century of history, Nintendo's breakthrough in the gaming industry came in 1981 with the release of Donkey Kong. This coin-operated game quickly became a worldwide sensation, introducing the world to the titular ape and his nemesis, Mario.

Interestingly, Mario was originally known as "Jump Man" and the damsel in distress was not Princess Peach, but a minor character named Pauline. And while Donkey Kong may seem like a strange name for a gorilla, it was actually chosen carefully to convey both his animalistic nature and stubbornness.

But as it turns out, there were other names in contention as well. In a court battle with Universal Studios in 1982, Nintendo revealed a list of potential names for Donkey Kong, including "Kong the Kong," "Bill Kong," and even "Kong Dong." It's hard to say who came up with that last one.

Thankfully, Nintendo was able to prove that "Kong" was a public domain word, thanks to Universal's own previous use of the name "King Kong." This victory solidified Nintendo as a major media company.

The full list of potential names for Donkey Kong is quite extensive, with options like "Funny Kong," "Funky Kong," "Custom Kong," and "Wild Kong." It's no wonder it took some time to settle on the name we know today.

Despite this legal battle and the recent lack of celebration for Donkey Kong's 40th anniversary due to the pandemic, there have been rumors of a new 3D game in the works. Some speculate that this game may even be the launch title for the upcoming Switch 2 console.

To add fuel to the fire, Nintendo has released remasters of Mario Vs. Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Country Returns, and even added Donkey Kong-themed areas to their Mario theme parks. Some are even speculating about a possible movie spin-off.

It's only a matter of time before we see a new Donkey Kong game. Who knows, maybe one of the rejected names will make a comeback? Until then, stay tuned for updates on all things Donkey Kong. And as always, feel free to reach out to us through email, comments, Twitter, or our newsletter. We love hearing from our readers!

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