New revelation about John Sugden's past has the potential to shake things up in Emmerdale.

The latest model is creating a buzz.

August 13th 2024.

New revelation about John Sugden's past has the potential to shake things up in Emmerdale.
The new guy in Emmerdale, John Sugden, is definitely making waves in the village. In Tuesday's episode, he showed that he's not one to be messed with, even though he would rather just leave and be done with it.

It all started when John's van, which is also his home, ended up in a lake. Mackenzie Boyd and Aaron Dingle decided to play a little prank and stole the van, leaving it parked by the lake without putting on the handbrake. Talk about a recipe for disaster!

The tension between Mack, Aaron, and John only escalated in this episode. John even threatened to involve the police, while Cain forced Mack to apologize and take responsibility for the van. But things didn't end there. When Mack and Nate Robinson spotted John lurking around Butlers, they tried to ambush him, but John proved to be quick on his feet and took a swing at Mack.

Thankfully, Cain stepped in and revealed that he had actually given John a job so he could earn some money while his van was being repaired. This job offer wasn't as random as it seemed, as it turned out that John had previously worked as a farmhand. This news delighted Victoria, who was happy that her brother was following in their father's footsteps.

In fact, Victoria was quite keen to get to know John better, but he's been quite guarded and defensive. Despite her and Sarah's attempts to be friendly, John doesn't seem interested in getting to know his new family. It's almost as if he's trying to keep them at arm's length.

Interestingly, we also found out that John had previously slept with Aaron, who is the ex-husband of John's brother Robert. As if things weren't complicated enough already, another layer was added to the mystery of John's past. Victoria found a tin box among John's possessions and when he opened it, she saw a dog tag with the name 'Aidan Moore' inscribed on it. This raised even more questions about who John really is and what his past may hold.

When Victoria asked if it was from his time in the army, John confirmed that he had served but didn't want to talk about it. This only piqued her curiosity further, but she decided not to push him too hard. However, after she left, John looked at the dog tag again and we couldn't help but wonder who this Aidan Moore could be. Could he be someone John knew in the army? Or perhaps a past lover?

Interestingly, the surname Moore has a connection to John's family history. Back in the 1980s, before John was born, his father Jack Sugden had an affair with a woman named Karen Moore, who worked as an auctioneer's assistant. Karen later had a brief relationship with Jack's brother Joe. Could there be a connection between Karen and Aidan? Is Aidan perhaps another long-lost Sugden brother? The possibilities are endless and we can't wait to find out more.

However, actor Oliver Farnworth, who plays John, revealed that we will only uncover his background gradually. He explained that there is a lot more to John's character than what meets the eye, and the writers are slowly revealing his past and secrets. It looks like we'll have to wait and see just how deep the rabbit hole goes with John Sugden.

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