New program in India to train one million students and improve their skills through technology.

The AICTE and Skillible have partnered to launch SAMBAV, a program aimed at upskilling and reskilling 1 million students and professionals in new technologies in India.

May 21st 2024.

New program in India to train one million students and improve their skills through technology.
The All India Council for Technical Education, which operates under the Ministry of Education, has recently joined forces with Skillible, a technology platform that focuses on experiential learning. This collaboration has resulted in a new initiative called SAMBAV, which aims to upskill and reskill 1 million students and professionals in India by providing training in new-age technologies.

Initially, the SAMBAV programme will offer specializations in software development, Artificial Intelligence, cybersecurity, and salesforce development. However, there are plans to expand into other high-demand technology domains, ensuring that students are always up-to-date with the latest trends and innovations.

According to Ankur Goel, the founder of Skillible, SAMBAV is paving the way for a future where technical education goes beyond traditional boundaries. This will empower students to become pioneers of innovation and drivers of progress.

The programme itself is one-of-a-kind, with an industry-aligned curriculum, project-based learning, virtual internships, interactive sessions, and continuous evaluation. This is set to revolutionize technical education and equip 1 million students and professionals with the skills that are highly sought after by the industry.

AICTE, which has an internship portal with 4.8 crore registered students and 48 lakh internships, will also play a crucial role in complementing the SAMBAV initiative by providing practical exposure to students. As Chandrasekhar Buddha, the Chief Coordinating Officer of AICTE, puts it, this will help "nurture a future-ready workforce that can drive innovation, spur growth, and propel the technology sector to new heights."

Upon completion of the comprehensive programme, participants will receive a jointly issued certification from Skillible and AICTE, which will serve as a testament to their industry readiness, technical proficiency, and commitment to excellence. Additionally, the learners will also earn credit points as per the norms set by the Ministry of Education.

In conclusion, the collaboration between AICTE and Skillible through the SAMBAV initiative is set to bring about a significant change in the technical education landscape in India. It will not only equip students and professionals with the skills necessary to thrive in the industry but also serve as a stepping stone towards a brighter and more innovative future.

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