Netflix releases a terrifying horror movie with an all-star cast, based on a true story.

The movie tracks a family's horrific possession.

August 30th 2024.

Netflix releases a terrifying horror movie with an all-star cast, based on a true story.
Netflix has just released their newest horror film, The Deliverance, featuring Hollywood heavyweights Mo'Nique and Glenn Close. The movie has received mixed reviews since its arrival on the streaming platform.

Directed by Oscar-nominated filmmaker Lee Daniels, The Deliverance is a spine-chilling psychological horror that follows the story of single mother Ebony Jackson. After moving her family to a new home in Pittsburgh for a fresh start, Ebony realizes that the house is already inhabited by an evil presence. The film is based on a true story, adding an extra layer of terror to the plot. Along with Mo'Nique and Glenn Close, Stranger Things star Caleb McLaughlin plays Ebony's son Nate, while her other children are portrayed by Shante and Dre. Glenn Close's character, Alberta, also makes an appearance as Ebony's mother who moves in to help her recover from cancer.

The filming process for The Deliverance was just as intense as the plot itself. According to Lee Daniels, the cast and crew had people praying over them constantly, and even had someone performing deliverances to protect them from any negative energy. As a precaution, Lee appointed an apostle to anoint the set every day. This unconventional ritual was a first for Glenn Close, who admitted to feeling spiritually transformed by the end of the filming process. She also mentioned that she had never witnessed such dedication and protection on a film set before.

Despite the powerhouse performances from Mo'Nique and Glenn Close, The Deliverance has received mixed reviews. With a 40% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, some critics have pointed out flaws in the plot and special effects. IndieWire called the film "painful" and criticized the script and effects, while Hollywood Reporter described it as choppy and the ending as "disappointingly cartoonish."

On the other hand, there has been plenty of praise for both Lee Daniels and Glenn Close. Collider wrote that Daniels successfully incorporated horror elements into the film and praised the mercilessness of the plot. Screenrant noted the believable performances from Andra Day and Aunjanue Ellis-Taylor, saying that they saved the film from being too tacky. The New York Times also commended the director for allowing the actors to fully embody their roles and deliver unforgettable performances.

The Deliverance is loosely based on the true story of the Latoya Ammons case, which took place in Indianapolis in 2011. The Ammons family's troubles began when they moved into a new home and started experiencing strange occurrences, such as their porch being flooded with black flies. As the events escalated, the family reached out to churches and clairvoyants for help but to no avail. Eventually, the case was brought to the attention of the police, who suspected possible child abuse and neglect.

After multiple visits to the house, the police and even a police captain began to feel a disturbing energy in the home, describing it as a "portal to hell." The family even underwent multiple exorcisms, led by Father Mike Maginot, before the hauntings finally ended in June 2012.

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