Netflix hit: Ryan Gosling thriller tops streaming charts.

A movie was released in 2007.

August 9th 2024.

Netflix hit: Ryan Gosling thriller tops streaming charts.
Fracture, a captivating legal thriller starring Ryan Gosling, has recently found a new surge of popularity on Netflix, 17 years after its initial release. Directed by Gregory Hoblit, who also helmed Primal Fear, the film follows Gosling's character, prosecutor Willy Beachum, as he takes on what seems like a straightforward case involving Sir Anthony Hopkins' character, Ted Crawford, who has confessed to shooting his wife after discovering her affair with police detective Robert Nunally.

However, as the trial progresses, Beachum realizes that Crawford is a master manipulator and the case is far from open-and-shut. Despite the intense battle between the two leads, the movie has proven to be a hit with viewers, becoming the most streamed film on Netflix in Ireland last week, as reported by JustWatch. The website determines its rankings by tracking user activity, including clicks on streaming offers, adding titles to watchlists, and marking titles as "seen."

Fracture continues to captivate audiences with its gripping plot and stellar performances from Gosling, Hopkins, and supporting actors David Straithairn, Rosamund Pike, and Fiona Shaw. The film was also a box office success, grossing over $92 million worldwide. Hopkins, in particular, was praised for his portrayal of the cunning and complex Crawford, earning a "fresh" rating of 72% on Rotten Tomatoes.

The film's success on Netflix has also brought attention to a surprising casting choice. In a recent interview, Captain America actor Chris Evans revealed that he had a memorable audition for the lead role in Fracture, but ultimately lost out to Gosling. Evans expressed admiration for the project and his desire to work with Hopkins, but ultimately accepted defeat, acknowledging Gosling's talent and success.

Despite Evans' near-casting, Fracture remains a must-watch for fans of suspenseful legal dramas. With its clever plot twists, skilled performances, and darkly stylish tone, it's no wonder the film has become a fan-favorite on Netflix. So if you're in the mood for a thrilling movie night, Fracture is available to stream now.

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