Netflix criticized for 'absurd' Hitler image.

A film about the notorious German leader will be available to stream soon.

May 25th 2024.

Netflix criticized for 'absurd' Hitler image.
Fans of Netflix couldn't help but poke fun at a somewhat unfortunate poster promoting an upcoming documentary about Adolf Hitler. The streaming service has faced backlash for their design choice, which features a split image of the infamous German dictator. One half of the poster shows a regular photo of Hitler, while the other is colored a deep, blood red with a shattered glass filter.

The image quickly spread on social media, with many viewers ripping it to shreds. Some even suggested that the split effect insinuated that there was a "dark side" to Hitler that we didn't know about. As one user, @elmeliac, put it, "I love the way this poster implies that there was a dark side to Hitler we didn't know about."

Others joined in on the mockery, with @tylerduran21 sarcastically suggesting that the show's tagline should be, "Many people know Hitler the charismatic painter. But do they know the REAL man behind the mask?"

The poster seemed to imply that there was more to Hitler than meets the eye, with some social media users joking that he was a "painter gone rogue" or a "good artist by day, evil dictator by night."

Even @thunderxstorm07 joined in on the fun, jokingly saying, "You'll never believe what this Austrian artist did..."

But amidst the jokes and sarcasm, there were also serious questions about the design choice. @RealJohnSacco wondered, "Who was in this design project and who approved this?" while @WayneGB888 called it "ridiculous."

According to Netflix, the documentary, titled "Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial," will tell the definitive history of the Third Reich, from its ideological birth after Germany's surrender in WWI to its ultimate destruction at the hands of Allied forces. The six-episode series has been directed by Joe Berlinger, known for his work on true crime series.

In an interview with Variety, Joe explained the importance of retelling this story for a younger generation. "In America, we are in the midst of our own reckoning with democracy, with authoritarianism knocking at the door and a rise in antisemitism," he said. "By dissecting what happened in Nazi Germany, hopefully what viewers will see is just how precious democracy is, and how easily it can be attacked from within, and how important it is to protect."

"Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial" will be available to stream on Netflix on June 5. As always, the streaming service has promised to deliver high-quality content that is both entertaining and thought-provoking. Whether you're a history buff or just looking for a new documentary to watch, this series is sure to spark important conversations and reflections on the current state of the world.

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