NBA player Jeff Teague criticizes a referee who used an offensive term towards his family.

Jeff Teague accuses NBA ref Tony Brothers of being inappropriate towards his female relatives.

April 2nd 2024.

NBA player Jeff Teague criticizes a referee who used an offensive term towards his family.
Former NBA player Jeff Teague recently shared a heated encounter he had with NBA referee Tony Brothers on a podcast. The two clashed during Teague's time playing for the Atlanta Hawks and the incident has stuck with him even though he hasn't played in the league since 2021.

Teague recalled how Brothers made a derogatory comment about his female family members while he was playing against the Indiana Pacers. "He was trying to be cool," Teague explained. "My mom and my aunt were sitting courtside and cheering for me, as they should. But then Brothers looked at them and called them 'ho*s'."

At the time, Teague was young and still new to the league, so he was taken aback by Brothers' comments. "I lost it. I went crazy and he was apologizing, but I wasn't having it," Teague shared. "I mean, that's my mom. I was ready to go off on him."

Teague went on to describe how Brothers often tried to act cool and fit in with the players, but then would switch and act inappropriately. "He's a weirdo," Teague stated. "If this happened now, I would slap the sh*t out of him."

The incident shows a lack of respect and professionalism from Brothers, who has been a referee in the NBA for 29 years. Throughout his career, he has officiated in over 1,700 regular season games, 186 playoff games, and 16 NBA Finals games. However, this incident with Teague raises questions about his character and behavior on the court.

Teague, who played for five teams in the NBA, including seven seasons with the Atlanta Hawks, also discussed how he would never tolerate any disrespect towards his family. This shows his strong values and loyalty to his loved ones.

In addition to Teague's story, there have been other instances of NBA players speaking out against mistreatment from referees. It is important for the league to address these issues and ensure that players are treated with respect and professionalism at all times.

On a positive note, former NBA player Ben Gordon recently entered a program that could potentially clear his charges from a previous incident at a juice shop. This shows that there are steps being taken to improve the relationship between players and the league, and we hope to see more progress in the future.

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