Navy monitors Chinese warships passing through Channel.

HMS Richmond closely watched the Chinese Navy group during their journey to and from Russia.

August 10th 2024.

Navy monitors Chinese warships passing through Channel.
Recently, the Royal Navy revealed that two Chinese warships had entered UK waters, prompting a rare transit of a British frigate to monitor their movements. The two ships, a destroyer called Jiaozuo and a supply vessel named Honghu, were en route to St Petersburg to participate in a Russian naval event. As they traveled back and forth through the North Sea and the Channel, they were closely watched by HMS Richmond, with assistance from a French warship and a patrol ship from the Belgian navy.

Armed Forces Minister Luke Pollard praised the Royal Navy for protecting the sovereignty of UK waters and working closely with allies to support Euro-Atlantic security, which is a top priority for the government. He thanked the crew of HMS Richmond for their safe and professional handling of the situation and their dedication to keeping the nation secure at home and abroad.

According to Commander Richard Kemp, the commanding officer of HMS Richmond, the Royal Navy's presence in the area demonstrates their commitment to the NATO alliance and maintaining maritime security, which is crucial to the UK's national interests. The Chinese ships made their way back through UK waters two weeks later, marking a very uncommon event. The last time this happened was in 2019 when Chinese vessels were also attending the same Russian naval event.

While the Royal Navy routinely monitors foreign warships, it is more common for them to publicize the tracking of Russian ships rather than those from the Chinese People's Liberation Army. However, this event serves as a reminder of the Navy's vigilance and their commitment to protecting UK waters.

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