Nato to build a new drone barrier along 1,340km of Russian border.

A drone wall with counter-drone technology was inspired by the war in Ukraine, driving faster drone innovation.

May 26th 2024.

Nato to build a new drone barrier along 1,340km of Russian border.
The leaders of NATO member countries along Russia's border are taking measures to protect their territory from potential threats. One of these measures is the creation of a "drone border" that will span from Norway to Poland. The purpose of this drone border is to monitor and protect the NATO bloc using unmanned vehicles.

According to Lithuania's interior minister, Agnė Bilotaitė, this initiative is groundbreaking. She stated that the use of drones and other technologies will be crucial in safeguarding their borders. The idea for the drone wall was partly inspired by the ongoing war in Ukraine, where the use of drones has become more prevalent.

Estonia's interior minister, Lauri Laanemets, also emphasized the importance of this project. He stated that the use of drones and anti-drone technology is crucial for both deterrence and countering the influence of their eastern neighbor. He also pointed out that the constant race to develop new technologies in warfare, as seen in the case of Ukraine, necessitates the implementation of such measures.

This announcement comes at a time of increased tensions between NATO and Russia. Just a few weeks ago, the head of Poland's counterintelligence service revealed that the Kremlin has plans to annex parts of Estonia and Sweden. He also stated that the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, may be considering aggressive actions against the Baltic states if Ukraine falls.

Despite these ambitions, Putin is currently being held back by the continued support of the West for Ukraine. According to the Polish official, the solidarity shown by the West in supporting Ukraine has made Putin think twice about attacking NATO. But this has not stopped NATO members from preparing for any potential escalation of the conflict.

In recent weeks, several European countries have issued warnings about Putin's increased aggression. Meanwhile, NATO members have been making preparations for the next phase of the war. This includes Poland's willingness to host nuclear weapons on their borders, as Russia has been relocating parts of its nuclear arsenal to neighboring Belarus and fortifying Kaliningrad, a Russian exclave located between Lithuania and Poland.

The Belarusian president, Aleksandr Lukashenko, who is a close ally of Putin, has also expressed concerns about the escalating conflict. He warned that it could lead to a nuclear "apocalypse." Both Russian and Belarusian troops have been stationed on Belarus' borders since the start of the conflict in Ukraine. Lukashenko recently stated that his troops could reach the Polish border within hours if the situation escalates.

In conclusion, the creation of a drone border and other measures being taken by NATO members along Russia's border show their determination to protect themselves against any potential threats. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has served as a wake-up call, highlighting the need for constant vigilance and innovation in terms of security measures.

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