Natalie J Robb, star of Emmerdale, confirms upcoming death on the show.

A dangerous fire at a barn puts lives at risk in Emmerdale this week.

September 7th 2024.

Natalie J Robb, star of Emmerdale, confirms upcoming death on the show.
Every so often, the popular TV show Emmerdale likes to give its viewers an episode filled with intense drama, danger, and thrilling stunts. In these episodes, the lives of our beloved characters are put on the line, leaving us all on the edge of our seats. And in the upcoming episode, things are no different.

A massive barn fire will break out, trapping two of our characters, Moira and Ruby, inside. As their family and friends desperately try to save them, Natalie J Robb, who plays Moira, revealed to us that her character is the one who starts the fire. Moira's health problems have been escalating, and she believes it may be due to menopause. However, her recent outbursts and loss of control have her worried.

To make matters worse, Caleb, a newcomer in the village, spreads false rumors that he saw Moira kissing another man, Nate. But according to Natalie, this is far from the truth. Moira was simply offering comfort to Nate, who was upset about his relationship with Tracy. Unfortunately, Caleb's misinterpretation leads to a confrontation between Moira's husband, Cain, and Nate.

As Moira's mental state deteriorates, she starts to hallucinate that Ruby is actually her old enemy, Emma Barton. The PTSD from her past trauma in the barn resurfaces, and Moira becomes confused and frightened. In her mind, Ruby's face transforms into Emma's, and the triggers from that horrific event cause her to lose control.

Meanwhile, Mack and John rush into the burning barn to try and save Moira and Ruby. But as Moira's panic increases, she accidentally fires her shotgun, causing sparks that ignite the fire. In the chaos, Ruby is knocked unconscious, and Moira snaps out of her hallucination, trying to help her. But in her confusion, she doesn't remember why Ruby was even in the barn in the first place.

As more people, including Mackenzie, Cain, John, and Caleb, rush to the scene to help, things take a turn for the worse. An explosion rocks the barn, and Natalie hinted that not everyone may make it out alive. The viewers are in for some nail-biting scenes, and Natalie herself thoroughly enjoyed filming them.

Despite having stunt doubles for the dangerous scenes, Natalie revealed that there were still some perilous moments for the rest of the cast. With flames all around them, they had to be careful not to wear anything flammable, like hairspray. But in the end, the professional stunt doubles and the cast pulled off the intense scenes in just one take.

So, get ready for some heart-stopping moments in the upcoming barn fire episode of Emmerdale. And if you can't wait to hear more shocking spoilers, make sure to join the 10,000 other soap fans on Metro's WhatsApp Soaps community. It's the perfect way to stay updated on all the latest gossip and exclusive interviews. Just click the link and join the chat now!

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