My spouse thinks I should cover the cost of IVF since I am the one dealing with fertility problems.

I was unable to give a reply to his statement.

October 2nd 2024.

My spouse thinks I should cover the cost of IVF since I am the one dealing with fertility problems.
The woman was deeply hurt by her husband's comments. They were struggling to conceive and the cost of fertility treatment was causing a lot of strain in their relationship. The price varied greatly, with some couples paying £5,000 while others had to fork out more than £15,000. It seemed like everything from ultrasounds to semen analysis to the couple's postcode could impact the overall cost.

Understandably, the stress of trying to have a baby, both financially and emotionally, was taking a toll on their relationship. While some couples are able to face these challenges together, others struggle to share the burden. Recently, a woman shared her story online, revealing that her husband had left her to handle the cost of IVF treatment on her own, as she was the one struggling with infertility.

Writing anonymously on Reddit, she explained that they had been married for 13 years and had been trying to have a baby for a long time, but without success. She attributed this to her own medical issues and admitted that this struggle had taken a toll on both of them. After taking a break from trying to conceive, the wife finally brought up the topic of IVF with her husband. He seemed open to the idea, but when the cost came up, he hesitated. Despite having enough money saved, he suggested that she should handle the cost of IVF sessions on her own, since she was the cause of their infertility.

The woman was shocked and hurt by his words. She couldn't even respond to him and ended up exploding in anger. Her husband, on the other hand, acted like she was being unreasonable and even sent her a hurtful text when she rejected his phone call. She decided to pack her things and go stay with her mother, but her family took her husband's side, claiming that she was overriding his feelings and that he had the right to share how he felt.

Many people online believed that the woman's husband was in the wrong and that she did not overreact. Some even called his behavior "cruel" and advised the woman to consider leaving him. However, others suggested that they seek couples therapy to address the underlying issues in their relationship.

Georgina Sturmer, a relationship counselor, explained that going through fertility treatment can be a difficult journey, especially when it comes with other challenges and stresses in life. It can also bring up feelings of blame and resentment within a relationship. In this case, it seemed like the husband was placing the blame solely on his wife and not taking into consideration their shared journey.

Sturmer advised that the couple should consider seeking therapy to address their issues and find a way to effectively communicate their thoughts and feelings. This would involve understanding their own feelings, finding a calm time and place to talk, using "I statements" to express their feelings without blaming each other, and finding a solution together.

Ultimately, it's important for couples to assess whether their behavior towards each other aligns with a respectful and caring relationship. Seeking external support, such as couples therapy, can also be beneficial in navigating difficult situations. The woman's story serves as a reminder for couples to communicate openly and support each other during tough times.

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