My sister-in-law broke my wedding rule, despite my strictness.

New sibling-in-law shared many photos on the internet.

June 16th 2024.

My sister-in-law broke my wedding rule, despite my strictness.
Dear Karina,

First of all, congratulations on your recent wedding! I'm sure it was a beautiful and memorable day for you and your husband. However, I understand that there is one thing that is still bothering you - the actions of your new sister-in-law.

It must have been frustrating to receive a text from a friend during your reception dinner, complimenting your appearance, when you had explicitly asked for no photos to be shared on social media until after your night guests arrived. You had even made it clear on your invitations, put up signs at the venue, and your celebrant had mentioned it during the ceremony.

To your surprise, it turned out that your sister-in-law had already posted several pictures on social media, tagging you and allowing many people, including your night guests, to see you before you were ready. When you confronted her, she laughed and brushed it off, saying she thought the rules didn't apply to family.

I understand your frustration and the desire to speak to her again to make it clear that her actions were not acceptable. However, your husband believes that it's best to let it go and not continue the argument. I'm sure this is a difficult situation for you, and you're wondering what the best course of action is.

Weddings are joyful occasions, but they can also be incredibly stressful. As someone who has been running a wedding venue for 10 years and has helped many couples plan their special day, I have seen firsthand how tense things can get leading up to the wedding. That's why I'm here to offer you some advice and help solve your dilemma.

First and foremost, I want to assure you that your feelings are valid. It's completely understandable that you're upset and disappointed by your sister-in-law's actions. You had made it clear what your wishes were, and it's disheartening that she didn't respect them.

At our venue, we often have couples who request no photos during the ceremony or that no photos be posted on social media until after they have had a chance to do so themselves. Regardless of anyone's opinion on this matter, it's important to honor the couple's wishes on their special day. Your wedding day is a personal and sacred event, and you had every right to expect your wishes to be respected, especially by someone so close to you.

Marriage is not just about the union of two individuals, but also about navigating relationships with extended family members. While it's understandable that your sister-in-law may not have realized the significance of her actions, it's still essential to communicate your feelings to her in a calm and respectful manner.

I commend you for wanting to address this issue with her again and ensure she understands the impact of her actions. Perhaps, once the emotions of the wedding day have settled, you can have a private conversation with her in a week or two to express how her actions made you feel and why they were hurtful to you.

It's essential to approach this discussion with an open mind and try to understand her perspective as well. However, don't hesitate to assert your feelings and the importance of respecting each other's boundaries. If she apologizes, I suggest accepting it and moving on. But if she doesn't, it's best to draw a line and let it go for your own sake.

Remember, marriage is not just about the union of two individuals, but also about navigating relationships with extended family members. Finding a resolution to this issue can not only strengthen your bond with your sister-in-law but also your relationship with your husband.

I hope that you and your sister-in-law can find common ground and mend any rifts in your relationship. I wish you all the best in your marriage.

Best wishes,


Weddings can bring out a lot of emotions, and it's essential to have a support system to help you navigate through them. If you have a wedding-related problem that you need advice on, feel free to email me. Your identity will remain anonymous, and I'll do my best to offer a helping hand.

Do you have a wedding story you'd like to share? Feel free to get in touch by emailing I'd love to hear from you! And don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments below. I believe that everyone's experiences and opinions are valuable, and it's always helpful to hear different perspectives.

Best regards,


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