My husband thinks birthday treat is pinwheels and hot wax.

Keeping things exciting by being open to multiple relationships.

August 16th 2024.

My husband thinks birthday treat is pinwheels and hot wax.
Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Alice Lovegood, a 29-year-old sex worker and content creator. I've been married to my husband, Matt, for 10 years now and we have three beautiful children together. But about a year ago, we decided to explore the world of polyamory and it has been a life-changing experience.

At first, Matt was hesitant about the idea, but he was willing to give it a try to support my journey. As a bisexual woman, I've always felt a strong attraction to both men and women, but since we opened up our marriage, I've truly embraced my bisexuality. I've also come to realize that I am more attracted to women than men, and I believe this is because I am demisexual when it comes to men. This means that I need to establish an emotional connection before feeling attracted to them.

My girlfriend, Reed Amber, is also a sex worker and we've been in a loving relationship for almost a year now. She has helped me discover more about my sexuality and has been a great support in my journey. Of course, being in a polyamorous dynamic does come with its challenges, and I do feel jealous at times when I know Matt is seeing other women. But I've learned to love and accept myself, and to feel comfortable with this dynamic.

On an average week, I have sex about three to four times, both for personal connection and for content creation. And to be honest, I wouldn't change a thing about my sex life. It's fulfilling, exciting, and always evolving. Now, let me give you a sneak peek into my week in the world of polyamory.

I'm currently in London for work, but also to spend some quality time with Reed. One of the things I love about being in a polyamorous relationship is that it challenges the traditional expectations of relationships. You don't need one person to be your everything, because you can have multiple people in your life. With Reed, our relationship can be romantically, sexually, or platonically connected, but one thing remains constant - our deep love and connection for each other.

This evening, we attend a social event with the creators of the SwingHub app and have a few drinks before heading back to Reed's place with a bottle of wine. We have a great time, chatting and just being silly. We also have some fun with ChatGPT, making it send us saucy messages and kisses. But eventually, we decide to move things to the bedroom.

As sex workers, it's natural for us to set up a camera, but this time, it feels different. We're not performing for anyone, we're just enjoying each other's company. Reed has a tickling fetish, which I find rare and fascinating. So, we explore that side of our sexuality and have primal, passionate sex. It's an incredible experience, and we both have full-body orgasms. Afterward, we cuddle and watch some TV before falling asleep.

I wake up next to Reed, and we're not feeling particularly sexual, but we do have some cuddles and what we like to call 'small time'. This is when we disconnect from the adult world and engage in activities that bring us comfort and nostalgia, like playing with Lego, coloring, and watching cartoons. It's a special and therapeutic time for us.

Today, I head back home, but it's already late and Matt is out on a date. It's rare for us to have a week without our children, but they're staying with their grandparents for the first week of summer vacation. So, we're enjoying the freedom and flexibility to go out whenever and wherever we want. I've been avoiding this topic, but I believe it's important to acknowledge that sex and intimacy do change after having children. But as happy parents, we need to prioritize our own needs and happiness as well. Non-monogamy has been a huge support for us in this aspect, but it can still be difficult when Matt is seeing someone else, especially after being away for a while.

In these moments, I try to give myself the love and comfort I need. I run a luxurious bath, listen to some music, and read my favorite erotica. I take my time exploring my body and showing it gratitude for all the pleasure it brings me. It's a different kind of masturbation, one that is slow and mindful, and it's exactly what I need.

Matt and I know that the weekend is going to be busy, so we make sure to have some quality time together. As a polyamorous couple, we've learned that 'bookending' is crucial for our relationship. This means that we start and end our week by checking in with each other, expressing our feelings, and building a strong connection. Tonight, we have some much-needed cuddles and engage in some 'small time' of our own. It's a beautiful and intimate moment that reminds us of the importance of nurturing our relationship.
Alice Lovegood is a 29-year-old sex worker and content creator who has been married to her husband Matt for 10 years. They have three children together, but about a year ago, they decided to enter into a polyamorous relationship. At first, Matt was hesitant about the idea, but he was willing to try it to support Alice's journey. As a result, Alice, who is bisexual, has been in a relationship with Reed Amber, a fellow sex worker, for almost a year. This has allowed Alice to fully embrace her bisexuality and discover that she is more attracted to women than men.

Alice explains that she identifies as demisexual with men, meaning she becomes attracted to them once an emotional connection has been established. She also shares that she feels more guarded and defensive when approached by men, whereas she is open and eager when approached by women. Being in a polyamorous dynamic has allowed Alice to explore and understand her sexuality in a way that she may not have been able to in a monogamous relationship.

Of course, being in a polyamorous relationship does not mean that Alice never experiences jealousy. There are times when she knows her husband is seeing other women, and she may feel a twinge of jealousy. However, Alice has learned to love and accept herself, which has made it easier for her to navigate these feelings and feel comfortable with the dynamic of her relationship. She also has a strong sense of self and takes care of her own needs, both physically and emotionally.

Alice's sex life is fulfilling and exciting to her. She has sex about three or four times a week, sometimes for content and sometimes for personal connection. She wouldn't change anything about it, and she feels grateful for the freedom and exploration that being polyamorous has brought into her life.

Now, let's take a look at a week in Alice's sex life. She is in London for work and to spend time with her partner Reed. As a polyamorous couple, Alice and Reed have a unique dynamic where they can be romantically, sexually, or platonically connected, depending on their mood and needs. They attend a social event and have a great time, getting a bit tipsy before heading back to Reed's place with a bottle of wine.

Being sex workers, Alice and Reed often incorporate filming into their sexual activities. However, on this occasion, they both feel like they are not performing for the camera and are simply enjoying each other's company. They indulge in one of Reed's fetishes, tickling, and have primal, intense sex. Afterward, they cuddle and watch TV before falling asleep.

The next day, Alice and Reed wake up and spend some quality time together. They engage in what they call "small time," where they switch off from the adult world and do nostalgic activities like playing with Lego, coloring, and watching cartoons. It's a special and therapeutic time for them to connect and unwind.

When Alice returns home, her husband is out on a date for the evening. Being a non-monogamous couple, it's rare for them to have a week without their children, so they are taking advantage of the freedom to go out and have dates. It's important for them as individuals and as a couple to acknowledge and care for their needs. This is one of the things that has supported them in non-monogamy.

On this particular evening, Alice takes some time for herself. She runs a luxurious bath, puts on some music, and reads her favorite erotica. She takes her time and makes love to herself, thanking her body for all the pleasure it brings her. This is a more mindful and intimate form of masturbation than her usual rushed sessions.

The next day, Alice and her husband know they will have a busy weekend, so they try to spend some quality time together. They have learned that "bookending," or having moments of connection before and after busy periods, helps support their relationship. As a polyamorous couple, they have learned how to prioritize and care for their relationship while also embracing the freedom to explore other connections.

As we can see, Alice's sex life is varied, fulfilling, and constantly evolving. Being polyamorous has allowed her to fully embrace her sexuality and form deep connections with multiple people. It's a lifestyle that may not be for everyone, but for Alice, it has brought joy, fulfillment, and a deeper understanding of herself.

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