My girlfriend's secrecy is making me suspicious.

I know very little about her, but she knows everything about me.

August 24th 2024.

My girlfriend's secrecy is making me suspicious.
Have you ever been in a relationship where you feel like your partner is keeping secrets from you? It's not uncommon for people to have little secrets, like a splurge on an expensive purchase or indulging in a cheat meal. But what if your partner is constantly dodging questions and withholding information? That's exactly the situation that our reader is facing in this week's Sex Column.

He's been dating a woman for nine months now and although they have amazing chemistry and great sex, there are some red flags that he can't ignore. For starters, she won't tell him where she lives or how old her children are. Every time he tries to bring up these seemingly innocent details, she deflects the conversation back to him. It's making him suspicious and he's worried that she may be hiding something bigger.

But before we dive into his problem, let's take a look at another dilemma from last week. A man wrote in confessing that he's keeping a secret from his fiancée – he's into BDSM and has been visiting a dominatrix to fulfill his desires. It's clear that secrets in relationships are a common issue.

Now, back to our reader's problem. He met this woman in a bar one night and was instantly drawn to her confidence and beauty. They ended up spending the night together and have been seeing each other regularly ever since. However, she lives in Cheshire and travels for work, so they don't get to see each other as often as they'd like.

She's told him that she's divorced and has two children, but when he asks for more details, she shuts him down. She won't tell him where she lives or even the ages and genders of her kids. It's starting to raise some red flags for him, especially when his friends suggest that she may be married.

He's tried to confront her about it, but she always gets upset and promises to open up more. But those promises never seem to materialize. He's starting to question if he's just wasting his time with her.

Now, onto the advice. It's important to first understand what you want out of a relationship. If you're looking for love and a true partnership, it seems like this woman may not be the right fit for you. It's clear that she's only offering great sex and not much else.

It's normal to crave a deeper connection with your partner – meeting each other's families, doing everyday things together, and being a part of each other's lives. But it doesn't seem like this woman is interested in any of that. If she really cares for you, why is she not willing to play a more active role in your life?

It's time to be honest with yourself and evaluate if this relationship is truly fulfilling for you. Meaningless sexual encounters can only be exciting for so long. It seems like you're yearning for a real and meaningful connection with someone.

Don't let this woman hold you back from finding that. As long as she's in your life, you won't be emotionally available to make a genuine connection with someone new. Imagine yourself as a single man again – it's not about being lonely, it's about being free to find what you truly want and deserve.

Have a conversation with her and let her know that you want more from the relationship and you're not willing to wait forever. If she can't give you what you need, then it may be time to call it quits and move on.

Remember, there are plenty of other people out there who can offer you a fulfilling and loving relationship. Don't let this one hold you back from finding true happiness. And if you need more advice, feel free to reach out to our expert, Laura, for her insights.

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