My friends made me pay £2,000 to attend their wedding.

The pair were labeled as sleazy.

September 24th 2024.

My friends made me pay £2,000 to attend their wedding.
The bride and groom had a unique request for their guests, which left one wedding attendee feeling baffled and possibly scammed. Jack, a close friend of the groom, was excited to attend the wedding with his girlfriend as a plus one. However, a few months after confirming their attendance, Jack received an unexpected email from the couple. The email expressed gratitude for RSVPing and helping them achieve the wedding of their dreams. At the bottom of the email, there was a link for payment, which Jack initially assumed was for the honeymoon fund.

After a few days of curiosity getting the best of him, Jack clicked the link and was taken to a payment page. To his surprise, the couple was requesting just under £2,000 for each guest to attend the wedding. Jack immediately thought it was a scam and contacted the venue to inform them. To his dismay, the venue confirmed that the bride and groom had indeed requested this mandatory charge to help fund their dream wedding.

Feeling shocked and taken advantage of, Jack emptied his savings to attend the wedding. This was a significant amount of money, especially considering that the average cost of attending a wedding in the UK is £629.10. To charge almost three times that amount seemed excessive and unfair. Additionally, with the average monthly earnings in the UK being £2,334, attending this wedding could potentially cost guests over a quarter of their monthly income.

But the surprises didn't end there. On the day of the wedding, Jack and his partner were shocked to discover that drinks were not included in the attendance fee. Throughout the night, they ended up spending an additional £30 on drinks. And to add insult to injury, Jack was hit with another £200 charge when he went to pay his bar tab. The venue explained that the bride and groom had requested each guest be charged this additional fee to cover a tip for the hotel.

Feeling frustrated and deceived, Jack tried to negotiate a lower amount, but it was clear that the couple had used their guests to get a free wedding. This sparked outrage among the wedding attendees, with many calling the couple entitled and tacky. Some even suggested that Jack should ask for a refund from the couple.

It's understandable that the couple wanted to have their dream wedding, but to charge their guests such a high amount and then not even provide them with drinks was seen as unacceptable and entitled behavior. Many people in the comments section expressed that they would have declined the invitation once they saw the cost, and some even called the couple "bridezilla and groomzilla."

So, what do you think? Would you ever pay an attendance fee for a wedding? Let us know in the comments below. And if you have a similar story to share, please get in touch with us by emailing us at [email].

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