My father likes to share explicit stories about his sexual experiences.

Tried jokingly telling him to be quiet as if I'm his kid, but he reminded me I'm grown up.

October 16th 2024.

My father likes to share explicit stories about his sexual experiences.
Oh dear, it seems like you're going through a bit of a tough time. But don't worry, Em Clarkson, Metro's agony aunt, is here to offer her guidance and advice to help you through it. This week, she's tackling two reader conundrums - how to set boundaries with an over-sharing parent and dealing with different standards of cleanliness in a relationship.

Let's start with your dad. After your parents' separation over a decade ago, he has finally started dating again and you couldn't be happier for him. You've been encouraging him to put himself out there for years, and now he's getting a lot of attention on dating apps and going on plenty of dates. That's great news, right? But there's one small problem - he's started sharing all the juicy details with you, from his date's flexibility to his new moves in the bedroom. And while you're happy for him, it's just a bit too much information for you to handle.

You've tried to playfully brush it off, but it seems like your dad is a bit hurt that he can't share these things with you. You don't want to discourage him from living his life, but you also don't want to be in therapy for the rest of your life. So how do you make it clear that he needs to keep your conversations PG? Well, Em suggests setting firm boundaries. The next time he starts telling you about his sexual escapades, it's important to firmly but kindly tell him that you love him and you're happy for him, but you're also his child and you don't need to hear all the details. Perhaps suggest that he finds someone else to talk to about these things, or even start a diary.

If he doesn't take your boundary seriously, Em's got a more extreme solution - challenge him to a game of top trumps. That might just shut him up. But in all seriousness, it's important to remember that while your relationship with your dad may have evolved into more of a friendship, you're still parent and child and that dynamic should be respected. You might have to out-weird him to get your point across, but hopefully, it won't come to that. Good luck!

Now, onto your other problem - different standards of cleanliness in a relationship. You've moved in with your boyfriend, who has a very different approach to household chores. You prefer to do one big clean at the end of the week while he likes to tidy up as he goes along. You're happy with your system, but he seems convinced that his way is the only right way to do things. This is causing some tension and you're not sure if you're just being a slob or if he's being too controlling.

Em believes that it's important to find a compromise in situations like this. It's great that you both have different styles of doing things, but that doesn't mean one is necessarily better than the other. Perhaps you can agree on a schedule where you both do a bit of cleaning each day, or you can take turns doing the big clean at the end of the week. It's all about finding a balance and respecting each other's preferences. And remember, no one is perfect - we all have our own quirks and habits when it comes to keeping the house clean. So don't be too hard on yourself or your boyfriend. Communication is key in any relationship, so have an open and honest conversation about your frustrations and work together to find a solution that works for both of you. Good luck!
Oh dear, it seems like you're in quite a predicament. But don't worry, Metro's very own agony aunt Em Clarkson is here to help you out. In her column this week, she's tackling some tough reader conundrums and offering her sound advice. So let's dive in, shall we?

The first problem comes from a reader whose dad has recently started dating again after separating from their mum over a decade ago. While they're happy to see their father finding love again, things have taken a turn for the awkward as he's been oversharing his sexual escapades with them. Yikes!

Em understands that this is quite a delicate situation. On one hand, you want to support your dad and his newfound happiness, but on the other hand, you don't want to hear all the nitty-gritty details of his love life. So, her advice is to set some firm boundaries with him. Let him know that while you're happy for him, you don't want to be involved in those kinds of discussions. And if he doesn't listen, well, maybe it's time to challenge him to a game of top trumps to distract him.

Next up, we have a reader who's struggling to adjust to living with their partner. They have different styles of cleanliness and it's already causing some tension. While one prefers to do a big clean at the end of the week, the other likes to tidy up as they go along. Em understands that this can be a challenging situation, but she suggests finding a compromise. Maybe you can do a little bit of tidying up every day while your partner can do a bigger clean at the end of the week. It's all about finding a balance that works for both of you.

But the important thing is to communicate openly and honestly with your partner. Don't let things build up and cause unnecessary stress. And remember, it's okay to have different ways of doing things. As long as chores are getting done and your place isn't becoming a pigsty, there's no need to stress about it.

So there you have it, some sage advice from our beloved agony aunt Em Clarkson. No problem is too big or too small for her to tackle. And if you ever need someone to talk to, she's just an email away. Just remember, she may not be a replacement for therapy, but she's always here to lend an empathetic ear and offer some guidance. Until next time, take care!

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