My date was shocked by what I pulled out of my purse on our first date.

Years later, I'm still embarrassed when I think about it.

August 10th 2024.

My date was shocked by what I pulled out of my purse on our first date.
As I reminisce on the past, I can't help but smile at the blurry memory of our intertwined hands, painted with vibrant nail polish. However, I have to admit, I have never been a fan of going to the cinema for a date. In fact, some of my worst dates have been to the cinema. I've had moments where I fell asleep on my date's shoulder, leaving a trail of drool on their Superdry top. I've also experienced the discomfort of holding in a fart for too long, resulting in painful trapped wind. And let's not forget the time when my stomach was growling so loudly during a dramatic death scene that I thought it would ruin the entire movie.

One particular date that stands out is when a guy took me to see the first Transformers film. He sat there, unmoved and silent, before giving my number to his friend. It was a disaster from start to finish. Not to mention, it's always so dark in the cinema that you can't even see what you're doing. I can't count the number of times a guy has accidentally grabbed my boob instead of my hand, or tried to kiss me but ended up kissing my nose because he couldn't find my mouth in the darkness.

But nothing compares to what happened on one of my first dates with Adam*. We were both obsessed with Twilight at the time, so he suggested we go see the movie together. He even asked to borrow all of my Twilight books, which I found incredibly attractive and intellectual back then. Looking back now, it makes me cringe at how naive I was. With his long hair and being in a band, I felt like I was living out my own Geordie version of a romantic comedy.

As we settled into our seats, I couldn't help but feel excited about being alone with him in the dark. I fantasized about him holding my hand across the armrest or even touching my leg. It all felt so romantic to my 15-year-old self. I remember spending an embarrassing amount of time trying to figure out what to wear, settling on the classic shorts and tights combo and probably one of his band t-shirts from his endless collection. I even begged my mom for some lipstick, thinking it would make me seem more put together and mature.

Throughout the entire film, I was completely still, not wanting to make a wrong move or ruin the moment. I was so nervous and taken in by the allure of the undead, emo Edward Cullen. And it seemed like Adam was just as invested in the movie. As the credits started to roll, I could feel a kiss on the horizon. This was what I had always dreamed of, what I read about in Cosmo and Louise Rennison novels. I had to be ready for this moment, I had to be perfect.

In a rush to touch up my lipstick before the lights came up, I frantically searched through my bag. And then I found it, the shiny, cylindrical tube. Smiling and pursing my lips, I confidently applied my mom's lipstick. But as the lights came on, Adam's smile quickly disappeared, and he asked me what the hell I was doing. Confused, I looked down and realized I was holding a tampon instead of the lipstick. Mortified, I felt my stomach drop as I quickly put it back in my bag.

Thankfully, Adam saw the humor in the situation and burst out laughing. It was a relief to have someone so understanding by my side as I wished the sticky cinema floor would swallow me whole. However, being only 15, I was too embarrassed to talk to boys about periods, let alone be caught holding a tampon. But Adam comforted me and even gave me a kiss, setting the tone for a pretty good first boyfriend experience.

But even now, all these years later, I can't help but feel embarrassed when I think about that moment in the cinema. It's a memory that I can't escape, and every time I go to the movies, it comes rushing back to me. And to make matters worse, Adam never returned my Twilight books. But despite the embarrassment, it's a memory that I can now look back on and laugh about. After all, it's just another cringe-worthy moment in the world of dating.

*Name has been changed for privacy purposes.

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