My 84-year-old father was taken by Hamas and I am uncertain of his fate.

My mom and dad were kidnapped by Hamas from Kibbutz Nir Oz.

October 7th 2024.

My 84-year-old father was taken by Hamas and I am uncertain of his fate.
It's been almost a year since we last heard from my father. The thought of him being violently snatched from his bed in the middle of the night still haunts me. It's a nightmare that has become a reality for 97 families, including mine, whose loved ones were taken by Hamas terrorists on October 7th, 2023.

My parents, both in their 80s, were kidnapped from their home in Kibbutz Nir Oz. I used to call that place my home before I moved to London to pursue my studies. Now, I am an academic, artist, and film-maker, but my days are mostly spent pleading with anyone who will listen to help bring my father back home.

My mother was released on humanitarian grounds after 17 days, but my father remains a hostage in Gaza. He has always been a peaceful activist, advocating for Palestinian equality and a two-state solution. He believes in diplomacy and has always approached this cause with grace and kindness, so the irony of being held captive by the very people he fought for has not gone unnoticed.

We have not received any updates on his well-being since November last year. It's been a year of constant worry and heartache for my family. I have been traveling back and forth between London and Israel, joining other families of hostages every Saturday evening in Hostages Square to show our support for one another.

Recently, there were whispers of six hostages being retrieved from Gaza. My heart stopped as I anxiously waited to hear if my father's name was on the list. Thankfully, it wasn't, but the relief was short-lived as I realized that six other families were now facing the same despair and fear that my family has been living with for a year.

These hostages, all young and strong, survived 11 months of torture and inhumane conditions, only to be cruelly executed by their captors in cold blood. It's a situation that fills me with despair and makes me wonder if there is any hope left for my father's safe return.

For the past year, I have been living on adrenaline and heartache. It's not the big things that weigh on me the most, but the small details that remind me of my father's absence. A single grey tick on a WhatsApp message, the urge to call him for his opinion, and the worry of my mother sleeping alone for the first time in over 60 years.

It's impossible to find joy when you know your loved one could be suffering in captivity. And it's not just my family that is suffering. The circle of suffering extends to anyone who realizes that no one is safe in this situation. Babies, grandparents, young adults dancing at a music festival - no one is exempt from the terror that has consumed us.

It's been a year, and yet there seems to be little progress in bringing the hostages home. Despite the immense pressure from citizens and governments, the Israeli government has failed to secure their release. As a British citizen, I am grateful for the support I have received from both the current and previous governments.

The UK government has allocated a team to assist families like mine in securing the release of our loved ones, who are dual nationals. We have had multiple meetings with top officials, including the Prime Minister, Foreign Secretary, and Qatari negotiators, thanks to their efforts.

But after a year, I am at a loss for words. Every war has two sides, but we can all agree that hostage-taking is unacceptable. I am pleading with governments worldwide not to give up on bringing the remaining hostages, including my father, back home before it's too late.

We cannot rely on military pressure to solve this. These hostages need to be released for rehabilitation or for a proper burial. This chapter must end so that we can finally pave the way for peace. Do you have a story to share? Reach out and share your views in the comments.

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