Mugger in Spain stabs British woman in surprise attack.

She bled profusely.

October 9th 2024.

Mugger in Spain stabs British woman in surprise attack.
A peaceful vacation in the sunny Spanish resort of Lloret de Mar turned into a terrifying ordeal for a British woman. According to reports, she was the victim of an ambush by a mugger in the popular coastal region of Costa Brava, located in northeastern Spain. The incident occurred in the early hours of Monday, as the woman and her group were exploring the charming town.

It is said that a masked thief suddenly appeared and targeted the woman and another tourist from the UK, separating them from the rest of the group. The assailant demanded their money and valuables, but the two tourists bravely refused to comply. A struggle ensued between the three, and sadly, the woman ended up being stabbed, suffering a deep wound.

Local news website Lloret Gaceta reported that the victim was bleeding heavily when the police arrived on the scene. They quickly rushed her to a nearby hospital in the town of Blanes for medical treatment. Meanwhile, a suspect was apprehended near the area and is being held on suspicion of robbery and stabbing the woman. The authorities also managed to recover a mobile phone belonging to the tourists during the arrest.

This unfortunate incident comes just days after another British couple fought off a mugger on the island of Magaluf over a designer watch worth more than £67,000. It is no secret that these types of crimes are becoming increasingly common in Spain, with police even creating specialized groups to combat the issue. These muggers are believed to mostly come from Naples in Italy, North Africa, or Eastern Europe.

Even celebrities are not immune to these attacks, as demonstrated by the case of tennis star Grigor Dimitrov. Last year, the Bulgarian athlete had a £62,000 timepiece taken from his wrist by one of these gangs while he was in his car, returning from training for a tournament. The incident serves as a reminder to always be aware of our surroundings and take necessary precautions, even in seemingly safe and picturesque places like Lloret de Mar.

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