Most British Jews disapprove of Netanyahu's actions during war.

80% of Jews in UK disagree with Netanyahu.

September 17th 2024.

Most British Jews disapprove of Netanyahu's actions during war.
As the one-year mark approaches since the tragic massacre carried out by Hamas in southern Israel on October 7, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's approval ratings have taken a significant hit. This decline has been observed both within Israel and internationally. The ongoing conflict in Gaza, which has resulted in the deaths of over 41,000 Palestinians, and the frequent clashes between Israeli forces and Hezbollah in the north have only added to the distress and fear among citizens.

Adding to the distress is the fact that over 100 people are still being held hostage by Hamas, with six others believed to have been killed in airstrikes on the besieged enclave. Despite ongoing efforts, Netanyahu has been unable to reach a ceasefire agreement, leading many Israelis to accuse him of deliberately sabotaging negotiations.

In a recent development, Israel has admitted that its forces may have mistakenly killed three hostages in the last 24 hours. This admission only adds to the frustration and disappointment felt by citizens. A new report by the Institute for Jewish Policy Research has shed light on the reasons behind the significant disapproval of the current Israeli leadership among British Jews.

According to the report, a staggering 80% of British Jews either strongly or somewhat disapprove of Netanyahu's leadership, while only 12% express approval. This is a significant increase from the previous year, likely influenced by the events of October 7, the prolonged captivity of the hostages, and the ongoing conflict in Gaza. The report also reveals that 74% of British Jews view Israel's overall situation negatively, which is almost 10% higher than the opinion of Israelis themselves.

Interestingly, the report also highlights that ultra-Orthodox Jews, men, and those who voted for right-wing parties in the UK election are more likely to view Israeli government policies positively. JPR's executive director, Dr. Jonathan Boyd, explains that while British Jews hold strong ties to Israel, recent events have caused a deeper emotional connection. However, this does not translate to approval for the current political leadership, particularly for hard-right members of Netanyahu's coalition, Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar BenGvir.

Dr. Boyd emphasizes the importance of understanding this dissonance between British Jews' strong attachment to Israel and their disapproval of the current leadership. This sheds light on the evolving nature of the relationship between British Jewry and Israel, which will be further discussed and analyzed in the upcoming weeks.

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