More Aussies now have access to a groundbreaking cancer treatment, a world-first.

Australia has made a groundbreaking cancer treatment that is now on the PBS, reducing costs by hundreds of thousands of dollars.

October 5th 2024.

More Aussies now have access to a groundbreaking cancer treatment, a world-first.
A groundbreaking new treatment for cancer, discovered by researchers in Melbourne, has recently been made available on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. This means that thousands of Australians who suffer from blood cancer will now have access to these life-saving pills at a significantly reduced cost.

One individual who has benefited from this treatment is Patrick Foley, who has been battling an incurable blood cancer for over three decades. Initially, doctors had given him a grim prognosis, with only six months left to live. However, thanks to the world-first treatment discovered in Melbourne, Foley's cancer is now in remission.

Foley was one of the first to receive this treatment as part of a clinical trial. He describes the experience as a game of cards, where he initially thought he had a losing hand, but was then dealt a few winning cards. The two drugs, Imbruvica and Venetoclax, which were previously used to treat different types of blood cancer, are now being used together to effectively block proteins and eliminate cancer cells. The best part? Patients only need to take two tablets a day for 15 months, without the need for chemotherapy. This not only reduces side effects but also allows patients to eventually go drug-free once they are in remission.

Dr. Con Tam, Head of Lymphoma Services at the Alfred Hospital, believes this treatment is a huge breakthrough for patients. He explains that after remission, the cancer is out of mind, and patients can return to their normal lives. This is a significant improvement compared to the previous treatment options, which often involved grueling chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

With the treatment now available on the PBS, the cost of the pill has been significantly reduced from $12,600 a month to just $7.70 for concession card holders and $31.60 for general patients. Health Minister Mark Butler recognizes the significance of this treatment and hopes it will benefit hundreds of Australians. He emphasizes that taking these tablets is a much more convenient and less invasive option compared to traditional treatments.

In conclusion, the discovery of this world-first cancer treatment in Melbourne has brought hope to thousands of Australians with blood cancer. Thanks to the collaboration of two powerful drugs, patients can now have a better chance at beating this disease while also experiencing fewer side effects. With the treatment now available on the PBS, the financial burden has also been significantly reduced, making it accessible to more individuals in need. This truly is a remarkable breakthrough that has the potential to change the lives of hundreds of patients every year.

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